Manuale di Pulizie di un Monaco Buddhista
Nella nostra epoca la pulizia è da molti giudicata come un’attività di bassa manovalanza che, il più delle volte, non svolgiamo in prima persona, delegando l’onere al collaboratore domestico di turno.
Nunzia began to travel in the communications world right from the choice of the university faculty: Modern Languages and Foreign Literatures.
Immediately after graduation, she experienced an involving and interactive way to communicate products, brands and projects: the organization of events. Promoting events she could not escape from the press world and all its rules: therefore she attended a highly specialized course at Ied Milano and she soon started to work as press office head for Enjoy More - communication agency. She became very keen on writing and she started to carry out a certain number of collaborations as a freelance journalist for print and online publications.
In the web she discovered the fascinating potential of Web 2.0 and specialized in web editing, web marketing, blogging and social network management.
Today Nunzia is based in Milan and she works as Communication and Marketing Specialist. Furthermore, she edits several for post for her own blog ( that grows every day more, catching the attention of various brands, Italian and not (such as Granarolo, Gap, etc), and for an increasing number of visitors.
Nella nostra epoca la pulizia è da molti giudicata come un’attività di bassa manovalanza che, il più delle volte, non svolgiamo in prima persona, delegando l’onere al collaboratore domestico di turno.
The aim of this project is to promote a concrete, everyday sort of Peace culture. A culture that passes through and arises from a united effort towards responsible social participation and environmental sustainability.
It is a project intended to penetrate many different places with maxi puzzle pieces, which are drawn and interpreted by people, schools, designers and artists.
Puzzle for peace is the world's greatest multi-participated work of art and creativity
A factory of ideas, energy and professionalism at the service of expressiveness
Mari Rinaldi and Teatribù: for those who dream of the stage, but also for anybody else
A bazaar of junk, a business meeting point where the same clothes, accessories and t-shirts are the result of the work of young designers who produce for a niche audience.
Puzzle for Peace is an artistic project of solidarity. A long entertaining, road, artistic as well as instructive, that will unfold throughout Italy and the rest of the world until its culmination at the 2015 Expo in Italy.