Christina Ng 黄诗惠



Christina Ng is a Singaporean writer, journalist and translator based in Berlin. Working between English and Chinese, she has interpreted for film and theatre productions, as well as written and translated essays, interviews and features on art, travel, and culture. She received a research grant in 2021 from the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe for an essay collection on multilingualism. Her Chinese to English literary translations include poetry by Singaporean poets Dan Ying and Pan Shou, as well as poet/lyricist Liang Wern Fook’s short story collection The Joy of a Left Hand (Balestier Press).




Unfinished - adda

It was a Sunday when I walked into Grandpa's room, intending to give it a proper clear-out. As soon as I stepped in, I seemed to see Grandpa sitting in his armchair again, his words fresh in my ears.

Balestier Press
The Joy of a Left Hand

(pre-order) Short Stories by Liang Wern Fook, Translated from the Chinese by Christina Ng Confucius sits in his chair. A mute uncle utters his first word in decades. A talking potato is sworn to confidentiality. These are stories written with Liang Wern Fook's left hand.

Comb of Chastity - adda

It is not just the soft fall of black, shiny hair on her shoulders It is, ah, the dazzle of youth- As she winds her way from Tangshan to Nanyang Caressed by the breeze through banana leaves Drenched by the rain on coconut plantations The black waterfall of her hair

News and Features

South China Morning Post
New generation of Singapore filmmakers turns to social realism

Films such as Crazy Rich Asians reinforce the belief that Singapore is a place for the wealthy and elite. A new generation of films such as I Dream of Singapore look at the Lion City through the eyes of migrant workers and the poor.

AFAR Media
The Best Places to Travel in 2022

Where will 2022 take you? Below, you'll find 39 destinations-from Abu Dhabi to Alberta, Canada-where your visit will really count. Locals tell us what's new, exciting, and worth the trip in the coming year.

Chinese Food in Berlin

Christina Ng celebrates the delicious diversity of Berlin’s Chinese restaurants…