I asked Alexis Hillyard the most asked questions about bionic arms.
I asked Raniyah Brown the most asked questions about being in a coma.
I asked Rara Knupps the most asked questions about shoplifting.
We asked Cherye Rousseau the most asked questions about removing your breast implants.
I asked Hailey Ray the most asked questions about being a phone sex operator.
I asked Ashley Whitfield the most asked questions about bisexuals.
I asked Carlo Brancati the most asked questions about hair transplants.
I asked Joanne Techow the most asked questions about eating insects.
I asked Bret Miller the most asked questions about male breast cancer.
I asked Scotty Dynamo the most asked questions about testicular cancer.
I worked on an episode about Relebogile Msiza's experience with chrondoblastic osteosarcoma and how it led to her amputation.
I asked Cece McQuery and Lucinda Rose the most asked questions about ADHD.
I asked Nathan Smiddy the most asked questions about NARCAN.
I asked Venus O'Hara the most asked questions about free bleeding.
I asked Rebecca Hilliard the most asked questions about having dissociative identity disorder.
I asked Aleena Averly the most asked questions about being a SFX makeup artist.
I asked Katherine Yeagel the most asked questions about being a surrogate partner.
I asked Kelly Anderson the most asked questions about pet cloning.
I asked Rachel Evans the most asked questions about being a human Barbie.
I asked Shivaika Sewlal the most asked questions about allergies.
I asked Dr. Michael Mrozinski the most asked questions about heat waves.
I asked Maddie Lambert the most asked questions about teen pregnancy.
I asked Angelica Bernabe the most asked questions about stuttering.
I asked Jessica Stemen the most asked questions about being a breast milk donor.
I asked Olivia Klopchin the most asked questions about vascular malformations.
I asked Niamh Foy the most asked questions about selective mutism.
I asked Chloe Marie Bean the most asked questions about alopecia.
I asked Mz Cici the most asked questions about being hypersexual.
I asked Sarah Kraning the most asked questions about synesthesia.
I compiled a World Health Day wrap piece on some of the most asked questions about various health conditions, like amputation; herpes; HIV; paralysis; Tourette's; and vitiligo.
I asked Dr. Favia Dubyk the most asked questions about pathologists.
I asked Mahogany Geter the most asked questions about lymphedema.
I asked Brandon Dasent the most asked questions about being a school shooting survivor.
I asked Elizabeth Shabazian the most asked questions about eating disorder recovery.
I asked Grace Verbrugge the most asked questions about assault and consent.
I asked Jo Beckwith the most asked questions about amputation.
I asked Jen Cutting the most asked questions about getting your period in prison.
I asked Keeley Shoup the most asked questions about cuddle therapy.
I asked Ashley Elizabeth the most asked questions about sex toy testers.
I asked Bryanna Spink the most asked questions about paralysis.
I asked Kari Northey the most asked questions about morticians.
I asked Rebecca Rogers the most asked questions about being a teacher.
I did an interview with Kristen Vitela about her Adderrall addiction.
I asked Asexual Memes the most asked questions about being asexual.
I did an interview with Danna Selene Chavez about her experiences with trichotillomania.
I did an interview with Caroline Malcolm Black about her experiences with dermatillomania.
I discovered manga ages ago when my mom took me to a nearby bookstore that was having a massive sale. I came away from there with 20 new books and nagged my mom into taking me back several times.
Hi, my name is Neymat and I have a confession to make: I used to dog-ear pages when I was a kid. Why? Well, because I could never find any bookmarks and it seemed like the easiest thing to do.
The Twentysomething Handbook by Nora Bradbury-Haehl Let's face it: adulting isn't easy. That's why Nora Bradbury-Haehl created this essential guide to help you avoid the mistakes, missteps, and financial failures that took others years to learn.
With season 5 of the My Hero Academia anime set to begin airing in just over a month, fans are beginning to rewatch, theorize, and otherwise get ready for what looks to be an amazing season.
I have no idea what I'd do with myself if there were no books to read - they're an essential part of work and play for me, and without them, I'd probably be a very different person.
Amazon Original Stories From the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna to the unprecedented rise of COVID-19 and the protests honoring George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the 2019-2020 NBA season was, from the beginning, about more than winning basketball games for the Los Angeles Lakers.
I love word game apps. They're a great way to entertain yourself when you just can't get lost in a book, no matter how hard you try. You can also use them to distract yourself from the urge to doom scroll through Twitter for an hour.
This is by far not the first time that reading corners - also commonly referred to as reading nooks, or (my favorite), reading nests - have been talked about on Book Riot. In fact, a quick search will find you quite a lot of loot on the topic.
TBR: Tailored Book Recommendations. TBR is Book Riot's subscription service offering Tailored Book Recommendations for readers of all stripes. Been dreaming of a "Stitch Fix for books?" Now it's here! Tell TBR about your reading preferences and what you're looking for, and sit back while your Bibliologist handpicks recommendations just for you.
Lots of us have spent enough time at home this year that we're itching to switch things up and redecorate - and what better way is there to do that than to turn back to old childhood loves? It's not surprising that there are some really lovely The Wind in the Willows illustrations out there.
The average person has a cell phone either with them or in hand for at least a couple of hours each day. So, since we've got them with us, why not make them bookish? After all, with apps like Libby and Kindle you can very easily tackle your TBR pile from a phone.
Tor Books. Cory Doctorow's Attack Surface is a standalone hacker thriller set in the world of New York Times bestsellers Little Brother and Homeland. In her day job at a transnational cybersecurity firm, Masha makes the hacks that allow repressive regimes to spy on dissidents.
I hated getting rid of anything when I was a child. I'd keep old school notes, old year planners, and even the clothes that I'd outgrown. My mother despaired of me and I'd often come home to find her having strategically tidied things into the bin.
Guest Blog Posts
By Neymat Raboobee When I was a little girl, I was dubbed sensitive. I'd get upset when I was teased, and I was incredibly soft spoken. In those days, I was painfully shy and timid; the kind of child who'd stay away from sports because I wasn't good at them, and stay away from other children because I couldn't understand them.
She's still not married? What's wrong? For some reason, many communities have this ridiculous notion that a woman's life both begins and ends with marriage. My own community - that of South African Muslims - is particularly guilty of this and it has resulted in vibrant young women making hasty matches because what if nothing better comes along?
Without a doubt, hijab fashion has been making waves in recent years. The mainstream fashion industry is experiencing a significant rise in demand for modest wear and scarves (also known as hijabs).
Ramadan. The one month in the year that everyone waits for, prepares for, works for. Ramadan is the time of year when everyone tries to do their best. The rewards of this month are so great that absolutely everyone wants to take advantage of them - and why wouldn't you?
Some people seem to be on top of the world. They're the leaders of their fields, they're always on top of things. It's common to wonder just what their secret is. I've done it myself. How is it that they're capable of doing so much when normal people like you or I find it so difficult to accomplish our own goals?
Coping mechanisms are things you use to get you through difficult situations. Special thanks to Hasina Suliman from Muslimah Lifestyle for starting to talk to me about different coping mechanisms and making me realize that a great blog post was hiding in the topic.
Work, family, hobbies, passions. Our lives are filled with so, so many things Alhamdulilah. But what happens when there's too much? I have the tendency to overfill my days, stuffing them as full as I can until my day planner is virtually whimpering in defeat.
Have you ever wanted to do something (or refrain from doing something) and then proceeded to deny your desire because What will people say? What will people say if they see your children going out and playing in the mud? What will people say if you stay at home?
I love travelling by road, just today we crossed the border and came from Bulgaria to Greece for some #Greeksummer! Road travelling can be so much fun, cheaper for larger families and create a different kind of memories. My nieces so far are loving the adventure.
Do you know what almost everyone likes? We like to have fun. We like to enjoy things. And I've never met a person who doesn't enjoy a good story. Whether via reading, hearing or watching some form of entertainment, we all like to take pleasure in a good story.
I love words - I think I've said that probably a thousand times. It's still true though. I love words because they help me to express myself, because they help me to entertain myself (and hopefully others too). I also love words because they help me to remember things.
Bucket list - a list of goals that a person wishes to accomplish before they die. Islamic bucket list - basically the same thing except all of those goals are connected to Islam in some way. How did this idea come about?
It took me a very long time to decide what I wanted this post to be about. If I still wrote free-hand, there'd be a trash can filled with crumpled up pages at my feet. What I settled on in the end is a topic I'd be able to write about day and night for the rest of my life - self-doubt.
Snapchat Lenses
A randomizing lens containing some of the most asked questions about lymphedema.
A randomizing lens containing some of the most asked questions about alopecia.
A randomizing lens containing some of the most asked questions about synesthesia.
A randomizing lens containing some of the most asked questions about pathologists.
A randomizing lens containing some of the most asked questions about recovering from an eating disorder.
A randomizing lens containing some of the most asked questions about being a school shooting survivor.
A randomizing lens containing some of the most asked questions about consent and being an assault survivor.
A randomizing lens containing some of the most asked questions about amputation.
A randomizing lens containing some of the most asked questions about sex toy testers.
A randomizing lens containing some of the most asked questions about cuddle therapy.