Melissa Quijano

Writer Editor Extraordinaire

United States of America

Melissa Quijano graduated from Brooklyn College (CUNY) with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in creative writing. She condensed a four year degree into only three and a half years. Melissa finished with a 3.7 grade point average as well as two successful internships. She was an intern reporter at the Staten Island Advance for eight months, during which she wrote many articles that went to publication. She covered breaking news, front page and feature length stories, working on her own and on a team of writers. Her second internship was at Biz-e-News, the Official Newsletter of the School of Business at Brooklyn College. She started as a writer/reporter, interviewing important people like Dean Willie Hopkins and Marjorie Magner. She was quickly made Managing Editor at Biz-e-News and began not only writing, but training other reporters to interview and write as well as she.
Melissa has written for both print and web based publications throughout her career. She enjoys travelling, crafts and teaching. She enjoys writing about topics she is knowledgeable and passionate about, but is also an excellent researcher.

Feel free to send me an e-mail at [email protected]

Whattoknow: When Buying a House
Whattoknow: When Buying a House

Whattoknow: When Buying a HouseYou've saved some money (at least $10,000) and have begun the search for your dream home. You have already been prequalified with a mortgage broker, who determined your price range by looking at your salary, credit, debts, assets...

Issue Two

Issue 2 of Biz-e-News, Melissa Quijano's first publication in which she managed all aspects of writing and reporting. The Secret Sauce in the Future of Business

Issue Three

Melissa Quijano managed all aspects of writing in Issue 3 of Biz-e-News.

Whattoknow: When Leasing a Car
Whattoknow: When Leasing a Car

Whattoknow: When Leasing a CarYou'll hear a lot that leasing a vehicle is "just like renting"-and in some respects, this is true. Before making the decision to lease a car or truck, it's important to remember that you do not own it and, after two to four years...

Surviving College
4 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Business | Surviving College

Traditional jobs- where you have to work a 6 hour shift for minimum wage- can be super stressful and draining for the already hectic schedule of a college student. Thinking outside the box for earning money in college can be really beneficial for a student.

Surviving College
Wikipedia & Google: More Useful Than You Know | Surviving College

What?! MORE useful than they already are? We all use the wonderful worlds of Google and Wikipedia to write our essays, but we also know that we can't actually quote those in research papers. If you agree with that last sentence, then you are in for a really awesome surprise!

Surviving College
How To Make The Most Out of Spring Break at Home | Surviving College

What to do when all of your friends go away for spring break and you are stuck in your home town without your usual buddies? This is what I'm going through right now- most of my friends either went home for spring break or went on super cool spring break vacations without me (boo!).
Tips for a great Staten Island Halloween party

By Melissa Quijano and Elise McIntosh STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Halloween's just eight days away, so whether you're throwing a bash for kids or hosting an "adults only" gathering, isn't it about time you got on your broomstick and started making plans?
The birth of a 'miracle'

BY:Melissa Quijano Dr. Michael Moretti knew he had to call a Code Pink, the most serious alert for a baby's delivery, when during a routine cesarean-section he learned the baby girl was being carried inside the abdominal cavity instead of the uterus.
Staten Island kids put crafts supplies to the test

TATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- What do you do with a box of crafts supplies? Put kids to work, of course! On a hot summer's day, eight kids were sitting around a patio table, taking a break from swimming in the pool, when we asked them to try out a big pile of craft supplies that had been donated by RoseArt.
What smells good to one Staten Islander, may cause severe physical distress to another

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Trendy, cheap or exotic, if the scent worn by a co-worker or fellow traveler is giving you a headache or making it difficult to breathe, it just stinks. Just ask Joyce Miller, for whom a recent theater outing resulted in coughing and difficulty breathing after a woman doused in perfume settled into the seat in front of her.