Michelle Kerr

Associate Editor

United States

Award-winning writer and editor with a demonstrated history in the publishing industry. Skilled in interviewing, feature writing, editing, project management, proofreading and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Strong media and communication professional with experience using Wordpress, InDesign, Photoshop and MS Office.

Risk & Insurance
The Growing Insurance Gap Is A Serious Threat to Us All - Risk & Insurance

Amid discussion of presidential Tweets and Hollywood harassment, catastrophes dominated much of the news cycles of late 2017. It was a record-setting year. Irma was the longest-lived Category 5 storm in the past 50 years. Harvey set a new U.S. rainfall record for a tropical cyclone.

Risk & Insurance
#TimesUp - Risk & Insurance

The #MeToo and #TimesUp movements opened up Pandora's Box, launching countless public scandals and accusations. The stories that continue to emerge paint an unflattering picture of corporate America and the culture of sexual harassment that has permeated it for decades. "The clock has run out on sexual assault, harassment and inequality in the workplace.

Risk & Insurance
The New Wolves of Wall Street - Risk & Insurance

Cyber security measures advanced by leaps and bounds over the past decade. Unfortunately, cyber criminals sharpened their game even more. As it gets tougher each day to slip in through back doors, hackers turned their talents toward carving out side windows. They adapted, developing new business models and finding smarter ways to profit off of the backs of organizations.

Risk & Insurance
Rewarding Resilience - Risk & Insurance

Healthy cities, like healthy people, are less risky to insure. So if insurers offer people tools and incentives to meet their health goals, why not do the same for cities and regions?

Risk & Insurance
Plan to Survive - Risk & Insurance

You're at your desk, engrossed in a report. From somewhere on the other side of the building, you hear a loud muffled noise. Furniture-moving mishap? Backfiring car? It barely registers in your mind until you hear it again. Then you hear screams. The icy grip of fear tightens your chest.

Risk & Insurance
Helping Hands? - Risk & Insurance

It's probably way too soon to start dreaming up insurance products that will respond to the risk that robots are going to rise up and annihilate humankind. And good luck finding the market capacity for it anyway. However, robots and robotics are fast becoming a fixture of our reality, and the industry is poised for rapid expansion.

Risk & Insurance
Corporate Privacy: Nowhere to Hide - Risk & Insurance

SCENARIO: In a small apartment in Atlanta, Pete scanned the hardware in front of him. His fingers flew as he deftly navigated multiple windows. A former defense contractor employee, Pete possessed a highly specialized set of skills.

Risk & Insurance
Critical Condition - Risk & Insurance

It's the stuff of futuristic daydreams. Implantable sensors that can detect signs of a potential health problem and send alerts to your smartphone, like a "check engine" light for your body. A straight-out-of-Star-Trek handheld medical scanner you can use to diagnose your own problems and alert your physician.

Risk & Insurance
Raising the Costa Concordia - Risk & Insurance

Insurance foots the bill for the largest marine recovery project in history. The plan to raise the Costa Concordia - the largest and most expensive wreck removal operation in maritime history - is a marine engineering marvel. But a successful outcome is far from assured and the cost is approaching $1 billion.

Risk & Insurance
Building Resiliency in the Face of Climate Change - Risk & Insurance

Failing to prepare for extreme weather events cost the United States $1.15 trillion in economic losses from 1980 to 2010, according to the U.S Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The more telling number comes from a study by Munich Re, which put insured losses for North America during the same period at $510 billion.