Madelaine Davis

Writer, Researcher, and Content Creator at KWRI

United States

Writer, reader, cat owner, eater of many things.


Product Development

The ONE Thing
The ONE Thing Planner (Single) - The ONE Thing

Your product has been added to your cart! Checkout here. $34.95 The ONE Thing Planner will help you take control of your time and give you clarity on how you should invest it. Modeled from the personal planners of The ONE Thing authors Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, this planner is designed to help you filter out the noise and focus on what matters!

The ONE Thing Planner 2020

We designed The ONE Thing Planner to help you take control of your time and gain clarity about how best to invest it. Modeled on the personal planners of The ONE Thing authors, this planner gives you the tools so you know your priorities.

The ONE Thing Planner

If you're shaking your head, you're not alone. We asked dozens of our community members this question while creating this planner. The overwhelming response from our focus groups: no one knew. Their calendars provided clues but not clarity on their priorities, goals, and progress.

Business/Blog Writing

Find Purpose and Productivity with Your Core Values

We all have goals and dreams. Big things we want to achieve, people we want to become, and new mountains we hope to climb. But why do we choose to do what we do? More often than not, the whys behind our goals all boil down to one thing: our core values.

The Journey Continues: Get in a Growth Mindset for 2021

The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with saying, "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man." I thought about this saying a great deal in the closing weeks of 2020. Every year brings new challenges and changes.

Communicate Your Core Values and Unlock Understanding

While many of our holiday plans look different this year, our desire to connect with others remains the same. However, despite our best intentions, connecting can sometimes be difficult. We have that sibling we just don’t understand, the child going through new changes, or the partner who doesn’t fully understand what motivates us.

What It Looks Like When You Set Goals Together with Wendy and Jay Papasan

There are points in life that inextricably change your priorities. For Wendy and Jay Papasan that change came in the form of their children. "When we had two really young children," notes Wendy. "There was probably some kind of disconnect between us and our priorities because we had children. An ...

Shift Your Mindset from Scarcity to Abundance

Time, energy, willpower-these aren't always at our fingertips when we want them. But what about when we're maxed out on all fronts? What happens to us when we're low on time, energy, cash, willpower - lots of things? Scarcity. And, scarcity can be a trap. The truth is, we only have so much bandw ...

One Habit Too Many: Why it Helps to Start Small

Often, when we have too much time, we feel the need to fill it up with things. New habits, fun plans, exciting new projects. But the reality is, sometimes more is just that-more. More isn't always better, and adding more things to do to our lives certainly isn't always the most productive use of our time.

KW Outfront Magazine
Disrupt Yourself: The Dangers of the Comfort Zone

Welcome to the first column by KellerInk - these monthly articles are aimed at helping you achieve greater success by highlighting the groundbreaking research that informs our award-winning books and drives Keller Williams' industry-leading coaching and training. KellerInk is dedicated to inspiring readers with research-driven models and educating them with best-in-class content that provides frameworks for turning that inspiration into growth.

Take Your Reading Game to the Next Level

If, like many of us, you find yourself with extra time on your hands, you may want to do something productive with your time. And sometimes, there's nothing more productive than introducing yourself to new ideas. Books offer us more than entertainment. Fiction can be both fun and keep our minds ...

Prioritizing our Relationships During the Middle of a Crisis

Relationships can be difficult to maintain on a good day. With work, hobbies, and projects - it can be hard to make sure we're spending quality time with the people who matter most during the best of times. Making sure we're prioritizing our relationships is always important. Perhaps now more th ...

It's a Master Class: Great Opportunities for Virtual Learning

Like us, you may have recently found yourself playing the role of a teacher or student. Whether out of curiosity or necessity, the world is hungry for avenues that allow them to learn and teach virtually. We've compiled a list of all of the different types of learning opportunities that have been made available to us that we've found engaging or tempting.

KW Outfront Magazine
Shift Tactic #1: Get Real, Get Right - Mindset Into Action

While SHIFT was first published over a decade ago to help agents navigate difficult economic times, there is no time greater than the present to implement its tools and tactics. Especially in today's business landscape, which has presented new challenges that have had a dramatic effect on the economy, our businesses, and our lives.

Facing the Unexpected

Now more than ever we're reminded that life is full of ups and downs, and that many of those changes are brought on by the unexpected. When things don't go as planned, it's tempting to remain stubborn and stay the course. It also might be tempting to throw in the towel.

Schedule Smarts: How to Manage Chaos

We're all used to wearing different hats for different jobs. We go to the office and have our business hat on. We come home and have our spouse or parent hat. We work on our side hustle and have our entrepreneurial hat on.

Mindshare vs. Market Share

When it comes to sales and marketing, there are two key ingredients every campaign should strive for: mindshare and market share. These two, while they may sound similar, are actually fairly distinct. But if you want to succeed, you'll need to make sure you capture both. Market Share Market share is fairly straight forward.

Think Like Dwight

In the 1950s, President Dwight D. Eisenhower visited Northwestern University to deliver an address to the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches. During his speech to the assembly, he quoted the university's then president J. Roscoe Miller, saying, "I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important.

The ONE Thing
A Cost Benefit Analysis of Growth: How Saying No Can Save You

It feels good to say yes. But we often forget saying yes to something inevitably means saying no to something else. It doesn't always pay to say yes to every opportunity. Here's how you can weigh what you might gain or lose by choosing to grow.

Leads Series Part Three: Gathering Information

​So, over the past few weeks we've told you what a lead is and broken down and how to assign leads once you've gotten them. But what comes next? For those of use new to lead generation, once the thrill of finding a new client wears off, it can be overwhelming trying to decide what information we need to gather.

Leads Series Part Two: How to Handle a Lead

In part one of our series, we introduced the idea of what a lead is and why they matter. But what do we do with leads once we get them? While it might seem like the hardest hurdle is getting leads,...

Leads Series Part One: An Introduction to Lead Generation

As far as words go, "salesman" is a relatively new one. Before the word "salesman" entered our lexicon, European immigrants brought the term 'drummer' to North American shores. As villagers and townsfolk went about their daily lives, they would often hear a loud drumbeat kick up in the distance.

The Power of Organic SEO

​In the world of digital marketing, it can be easy to imagine that the most valuable type of impact you can make is a paid one. However, according to studies conducted by Impact BND, organic search leads to a 14.6% close rate, whereas outbound marketing leads only have a 1.7% close rate.

The ONE Thing
Stop Stalling and Get Going for 2020

January is an inspiring time of year. We're coming off the holidays, our outlook for the future is at an all-year high, and we're armed with a bevvy of resolutions to make good on. But often, the biggest hurdle we face when starting new challenges is planning ahead.

The ONE Thing
Establishing Boundaries that Respect Your ONE Thing

You wake up at around six and check your phone - there's a message from your boss or coworker. You're awake, so you respond. At the time this probably didn't seem like much of a big deal, but then you notice something. You start getting more and more early morning or late texts and emails.

The ONE Thing
Community Spotlight: Ed Nottingham

Welcome to Community Spotlight, a place where we get to highlight the impressive achievements you have all made. This week, we're talking with one of our Founding Members, Ed Nottingham, PhD, ABPP. Ed has been involved in the community for a number of years, and the experience has been transformational.

The ONE Thing
Why Paper Planners Are Here to Stay

One of my favorite parts of starting any new school year was receiving a new paper planner. After getting my schedule, I'd flip past the list of international holidays and a map of the United States and then carefully write out where I'd be and when for the upcoming month.

The ONE Thing
How to Build Resilient Relationships that Pull Us Through Tough Times

When the going gets tough, the tough get going is a popular phrase. But for the most successful people on the planet, the saying takes on a twist: "when the going gets tough, don't go at it alone." Everyone who embarks on a quest to fulfill their One Thing is going to experience their fair share of setbacks.

The ONE Thing
Staving off the Boredom of Success

If you're struggling to find excitement in the day-to-day activities that drive your success, doing something different that is in alignment with your goals can be a sure-fire way to stay engaged with your job. Instead of throwing in the towel or looking for greener pastures, try the following:

The ONE Thing
Learning to Become Resilient: Part Two

This is the first part of a two-part series where we'll walk readers through the different qualities of resilience] Last month we talked about resilience - what it is and how the stuff works. While many people are apt to believe that resilience is a trait, something unquantifiable and inherent, the truth is psychological resilience is a skill you can acquire, hone, and keep.

The ONE Thing
Learning to Become Resilient: Part One

Life isn't always like a box of chocolates. It's more like turning the millstone. We're constantly grinding, battling uphill, getting, bitter, upset, and burned out all to have a chance at fulfilling our purpose.No matter what you do, your path ahead is going to involve some type of grind, and if you want to succeed at the highest level, you'll need to become resilient.

The ONE Thing
Why the Habit of Gratitude is Worth Building

Here at The ONE Thing, we talk a lot about the importance of building habits. But what about building a habit that can help shift our mindset? If you're feeling like you need a quick way to help change how you're thinking, a great habit to implement is gratitude.

The ONE Thing
Revisiting the Myth that Big is Bad

There's a little-known fact that the section of The ONE Thing called "Big is Bad" almost didn't make the final cut of the manuscript. It wasn't until getting some last-minute buy-in from everyone involved in the project that it was placed back in the book for publication.

The ONE Thing
The Power Behind Letting Your Actions Speak For You

Sure, letting others know what you intend to accomplish can be helpful, but only when you kill the showmanship behind "achieving" your goals. Instead of talking about what you're going to do, here's why you should just do what you're going to do.

The ONE Thing
Family Matters: How to Teach The ONE Thing to Your Family

Chasing our ONE Thing isn't a solo sport - it takes a team to win. From mentors to accountability partners, love interests to spouses, we need to surround ourselves with people who actively help us grow in order to find success. Of all the relationships that support our goals, none may be more important than our family.

The ONE Thing
Why You Need Both: The Power of a Digital Calendar and a Paper Planner

One tool most of use to keep on top of things is a digital calendar. But are digital calendars enough? The ONE Thing co-authors Gary Keller and Jay Papasan don't think so - they incorporate a paper planner into their planning toolkit. And we think you should, too.

The ONE Thing
Sign's You're Chasing the Wrong Goal

Starting a new challenge seems straightforward. Once we've realized we have a new goal to try and achieve, we ideally do everything we can to set ourselves up for success. We make a GPS, create our own 411s, and use Goal Setting to the Now to make sure we stay on track.

The ONE Thing
We're Using our Planners the Wrong Way

Taking control of our time and using it effectively is not a novel concept. From Stonehenge, to Roman sundials and calendars, and even Einstein's theory of general relativity, we've worked hard to understand what time is and find different ways to get it to work for us instead of against us.

The ONE Thing
De-mine Your Life and Avoid Blowing Your ONE Thing off the Rails

There are a million different apps, programs, books, journals - all designed to help you be your most productive self. It's easy to buy a new alarm clock, plot out your month in a new planner, and feel like you've set yourself up for success. And, to a certain extent, you have.

The ONE Thing
Creating a Team of Superheroes in Your Business

Going into the office doesn't have to be a drag. In fact, every day is a new opportunity to dust of our capes, team up, and let our gifts and abilities shine. The truth of the matter is, teamwork can be empowering. Everyone is great at something.

The ONE Thing
If you aren't afraid, you should be

Being afraid is nature, and fear can take on many forms. People who are thought of as fearful are often mocked. But the truth is, fear isn't always necessarily a bad thing. In fact, in can be good for you both professionally and personally.

The ONE Thing
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too: How to Successfully Have a Family and a Business

Lives are big, full, messy things - that's just a fact. Between our personal and professional lives, we each have an ever increasing number of responsibilities that require our attention. With so much of our lives consumed by either family or work, it can seem nearly impossible to have it all.

The ONE Thing
Essential Communication Tools that You & Your Partner Can't Live Without

" The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." - George Bernard Shaw Growing up, we all heard the saying, "It's not what you say it's how you say it." And it's true - what we say to one another goes far beyond the words we speak.

The ONE Thing
Drop the 's' and Stick to One Resolution - The ONE Thing

Since the creation of the calendar, people have been celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of another. As early back as the Babylonians, this tradition has included greeting each new year with a promise for the twelve months to come. Despite its long history, keeping New Year's Resolutions proves tricky.

The ONE Thing
You Are What You Think - The ONE Thing

One of the greatest struggles in life is the battle for a sense of control. It's easy to feel like our lives our in the hands of fate. But, that isn't entirely the case. In the 2011 film 50/50, Joseph Gordon Levitt plays a 27-year-old journalist who is suddenly diagnosed with cancer.

The ONE Thing
Why You Shouldn't Go to Work Today, And What You Should Do Instead

The sun is up, the birds are chirping and it's time for you to get ready for another work day. But you're still sleepy, you're feeling overwhelmed, and you can't seem to shake the fog in your head. Let's face it: work sucks - all of your energy, that is.

The ONE Thing
Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen? - Streamline with The ONE Thing

You're the head chef of this Thanksgiving operation, and it's time for you take charge. The whole family is here, and more than willing to help. Delegation is your spatula and tact is your sauce, but you still find yourself feeling one thing: stress.

The ONE Thing
Which of these Pets Best Fits Your Personal Life? - The ONE Thing

If your ONE Thing is your personal life, there are few things in the world that can benefit you as much as a furry companion. More than just a responsibility, pets have been shown to improve our overall well-being by decreasing our stress and ridding us of our anxiety.

The ONE Thing
Signs You've Lost the Respect of Others - The ONE Thing

We've all had that feeling. Someone doesn't seem to be listening to what we say. We make requests of others and we're ignored. Pretty soon, feathers are ruffled and we find ourselves frustrated over the lack of respect we seem to be receiving.

The ONE Thing
X Marks the Spot: How to Be an Entrepreneurial Pirate

Opportunities abound. You're in control of your own destiny. You're open to risks. When you run down the list of qualifications, you may sound like a pirate, but rest assured, you're an entrepreneur. Creating and running your own business means treading into unknown waters, and that takes a certain type of fearlessness.

The ONE Thing
Five Tasty, Super Foods Your Salad Can't Live Without

There are a million buzz words surrounding food: probiotic, gluten-free, superfood, paleo. We hear these words often, but likely don't know what many mean. In truth, there is an ever expanding repertoire of new words, ideas, and phrases surrounding food. One day butter is terrible, the next it may not be so bad.

The ONE Thing
Why Working Long Hours is Cheating - The ONE Thing

While many business owners and C-level executives work longer hours in order to get more done, the truth is they're just cheating themselves out of a larger life. It's easy to sit at the bottom and believe that there's only one way to the top: working overtime.

The ONE Thing
How to Keep Your Kids Sharp During the Summer - The ONE Thing

As Alice Cooper once said: school's out for summer. While the promise of a long, homework free summer is always promising for kids, we adults know that keeping our children mentally stimulated during break is crucial to their continued success. But, sometimes we find ourselves at a loss as to how to keep their growing minds sharp.

The ONE Thing
Go from Entrepreneurial to Purposeful - The ONE Thing

Today is Independence Day, and while most of us aren't fighting against an extraterrestrial invasion, there are still plenty of things in our lives we're struggling against. When it comes to business, one out of this world adversary we're constantly fighting against is an entrepreneurial mindset.

The ONE Thing
Achieving Work-Life Balance with Your Spouse - The ONE Thing

Being successful requires hard work - it's tough. Throw a spouse, with their own career and personal goals, into the equation and things can get even trickier. When two partners are chasing their ONE Thing, it can be hard to maintain a work-life balance. Spend too much time at the office and your home life suffers.

The ONE Thing
5 Podcasts for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

We all hit a rut. Sometimes we're no longer feeling inspired, or maybe we have reached an obstacle in our journey to achieving our ONE Thing that we don't know how to overcome. The best way to gain some traction and get moving again is by gaining a fresh, new perspective.

The ONE Thing
Becoming a Lean, Mean Productivity Machine - The ONE Thing

When we have a goal and the right kind of determination, productivity is easily within our grasp. We wake up energized to tackle projects, feel excited to time block, and get a rush every time we climb that next mountain on our way to success.

The ONE Thing
Dress for Success with Pareto

You yawn, stretch, and hop out of bed. You have a meeting this morning, a presentation in the afternoon, drinks with friends or a child's dance recital to go to this evening. So, what are you going to wear?

The ONE Thing
Raising the Bar When it Comes to Standards - The ONE Thing

When it comes to running a business, planning for success can be tricky. In addition to holding the keys and the compass, oftentimes, we're charting out our own road map for success as we go along. In a world full of answers, casting out a vision and figuring out what makes our organization thrive and prosper can be difficult.

Creative Writing

Prometheus Dreaming
Taking an Accurate Sexual History

Taking an Accurate Sexual History Step One. Set the stage. Make sure the patient is comfortable. Preface the conversation with the fact that you're about to ask them some questions about their sexual history. Step Two. Begin questioning. Ask the following:

West Trade Review
The Two Marys

My grandmother is soft and weak when I last see her, bones bird brittle when I hold her in my arms. She wears one of her Sunday skirt suits, all soft creamy peach tones that speak to southern Louisiana; it is never quite cold here, even in winter.

Food Writing

Marketing/PR Writing

Financial Planning Alternatives: A Tradition of Excellence

Nov. 11, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Financial Planning Alternatives is proud to announce that Monisha Potter , longstanding financial advisor, has now taken ownership of the company. Former owner and President Carlos A. Costa , who founded the company on a strong foundation of community and family values, will remain in the community.

Financial Planning Alternatives Continues to Grow

Dec. 29, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The financial planning consulting firm, Financial Planning Alternatives, is proud to announce the recent addition of Richard Cabeceiras , a 3-year member of the financial planning industry. Richard served in the Armed Forces for over a decade and was a firefighter for over 3 years.

EIN Presswire
Capital Analysts of Jacksonville Supports Fiscal Responsibility Capital Analysts of Jacksonville, Florida, Inc. is participating in the second annual MoneyWi$e Week organized by Family Foundations, a local non-profit who specializes in financial literacy. Jacksonville, FL - 2nd Annual MoneyWi$e Financial Summit Draws Top Level Participants Capital Analysts of Jacksonville, Florida, Inc.