Health & Wellness
I am a creative and professional writer with experience in
content creation, marketing, PR, and social media. I know
how to adapt my voice to a variety of audiences, and
pride myself on my ability to write for any industry.
Currently writing from my home aboard a 45-foot Hunter sailboat.
Health & Wellness
Distended belly. Painful bloating. Brain fog, headaches, fatigue. Not a pretty picture - but over 60 million Americans suffer from these symptoms every day. And that's just reported cases; there are millions others who ignore their symptoms, simply accepting them as a way of life. What are our guts trying to tell us?
After beach-hopping for a couple of weeks, we were ready to get out into the jungle. So we traded in our scooter for a custom motorbike and embarked on a cross-island road trip. We headed to Aling-Aling, a waterfall somewhere about halfway up the island.
When you live and breathe consciously, you rewire your brain to fire positive connections more readily. This openness cultivates your heart's desires and your dream life day by day. Here's 6 every day tools to rewire the brain and live a feel good life.
If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it. Thanks to writer Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, you've likely heard this saying. Maybe you've even adopted it into your own life, striving for a more health-minded (and eco-minded) way of living. The concept is simple: the fewer ingredients, the more natural your food.
How well do you know the people who visit your website? Do you know how they find you and what they do when they get there? You might already be measuring web traffic by keeping tabs on how many views you get each day but you could be tracking your user behaviour in far more detail.
Lightning never strikes the same place twice. Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis. Mac computers are immune to viruses. All of these statements have one thing in common: most people believe them, but they're simply not true. When it comes to creating a website, it can be just as easy to succumb to common website design myths.
Most hair ties are made from some kind of plastic. They're bought in huge quantities and inevitably lost or tossed. They're another piece of plastic that all too often ends up floating in our oceans and waterways. It's with great pleasure that we announce a collaboration with Sea Shepherd, stewards
The storm may be over for Texas and Florida but, for many residents, the hardest part is just getting started. In the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, victims are struggling to piece their lives back together. Clean-up after a natural disaster is an emotional, time-consuming task.
We all know : Jerry Seinfeld receives a label maker from his friend Tim Whatley as a 'thank you' for SuperBowl tickets. Elaine, standing by, realizes she's seen the gift before - because she's the one who gave it to Tim in the first place. Furious and insulted, she forever dubs him a "re-gifter."
When an emergency call came in Monday morning, Claudine Rubin didn't think twice. As owner of 1-800-GOT-JUNK? in D.C., she dispatched a truck as fast as possible to Richard Byrd Library in Springfield, Virginia. There, over three tons of books needed to be delivered to a warehouse over an hour away.