Advertising & marketing executive with 6 years agency experience.
Strong written and verbal communication skills, as well as proficiency in French language.
Creative, efficient, and detail-oriented problem solver, seasoned in account management and meeting deadlines in a fast-paced environment.
Among the top 100 BuzzFeed Community contributors of 2013 and 2014, with posts receiving top 1% of traffic.
A biology field lab turns dangerous after professor collapses.
BuzzFeed - Lists
Either your professor sits on a throne of lies, or you're a cotton-headed ninny-muggins. Or both.
Or at least you think you are. It's really all up in the air right now.
You're fabulous, but you're evil.
Poems & Jingles
A poem in response to the outcry over my viral post "35 Things You Appreciate About America After Living in Europe."
Playfully shedding light on the discrepancies in Sex and the City.
Thoughts on dating apps and the people who use them.