Communications - Higher Education, Healthcare, & More
Award-winning reporter, writer and editor with extensive experience producing print and online content for media, corporate and institutional clients
My specialties include web and custom content; copywriting; corporate communications; news and feature writing on education, healthcare, and much more. My large body of work includes web copy, custom content articles, social media posts, newsletters, annual reports, talking points, targeted letters, and press releases.
Communications - Higher Education, Healthcare, & More
A new study led by Yale geneticists provides a long-needed tool to determine which mutations in the mitochondrial genome cause disease.
Faculty and graduate student researchers have embarked from Avery Point for an up-close investigation of offshore wind power and its effect on the marine en ...
Laura Guerra-Lopez has had an insatiable curiosity - and a drive to help others - since she was a young girl. Her fervor to serve didn't slow down at Yale.
UConn Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Mark Urban will co-lead the EvoME Institute, a six-year, multi-disciplinary collaboration of experts fro ...
Annual Report of UConn's Office of Vice President for Research, highlighting major initiatives, programs, and awards facilitated by the OVPR in 2022-2023
UConn is working with the state and federal Department of Transportation to develop an app that will find safe parking places for truckers
Assistant Professor Xueju "Sophie" Wang's study into ocean pollutants has earned her a prestigious award from the Office of Naval Research
The microbes that inhabit the gut are critical for human health, and understanding the factors that encourage the growth of beneficial bacterial species - known as "good" bacteria - in the gut may enable medical interventions that promote gut and overall human health.
With self-determination and a sense of adventure, Yang tackled a double major, the duties of an NROTC midshipman - and late-night comedy writing sessions.
Through NSF and NIH funding, biomedical engineering professor Kristin Morgan is applying her understanding of human movement to noninvasively diagnose neuromuscular and neurological impairments
Anna Tarakanova has long had an interest in how objects and bodies work. Her chosen specialty in the field of Mechanical Engineering - studying the structure, function, and mechanics of biological systems and materials, especially fibrous protein materials such as elastin and collagen - merges the two.
The 2020/21 Annual Report of the University of Connecticut Office of Vice President for Research
This year, 11 UConn junior faculty members received the coveted award, which recognizes the recipient’s potential as a role model in education and research.
When you ask Morton Katz '51 what he learned at UConn School of Law, three lessons top his list: how to be a good lawyer; the importance of preparation; and knowing when to settle a case. Katz has had more time than most to ponder the value of his legal education.
Since joining the UConn journalism faculty in 2013, Mike Stanton has been imparting the wisdom and insights he gleaned from three decades of covering a beat, first in sports and later as leader of the Providence Journal's investigative team. Stanton admits he was at first hesitant about leaving daily journalism for academia, but four years into the job he has embraced the role.
UConn plant biologist Pamela Diggle explains the role of evolution, adaptation, and even sex in making the onions, carrots, celery, herbs, and other plants in our favorite holiday dishes tantalizing to out eyes and taste buds.
In a windowless kitchen on the third floor of UConn's Student Union, Rob Landolphi carefully plates a serving of his award-winning Vegan Crab Cakes. He then places it on a stainless steel table covered with an assortment of other dishes - a delectable array of established campus favorites and new offerings still in development.
Reading picture books aloud remains a cherished ritual of childhood - one enjoyed by adults and children alike, whether at bedtime, in pre-school, or during story hour at the public library. Little wonder. The brightly illustrated stories evoke happiness, discovery, and loving family relationships. Many of them also feature food, especially ice cream and desserts.
In 2001, Enron rocked the financial world by declaring bankruptcy in the wake of a now infamous accounting scandal. Within months, shares in the energy and commodities giant - the seventh largest corporation in the country at the time - plunged to penny stock levels. Thousands of employees lost their jobs.
Gabriel Mesa has accomplished a lot in his young life. At 16, the math-loving Canton resident has a long list of awards and achievements to his credit that include three inventions, one of which earned him an invitation to a national science fair at the White House in April.
What's Happening at Hartford Public Library Summer 2019
Our fascination with shark sightings - and the accompanying photos and tweets - has been a boon to shark researchers and public safety officials on Cape Cod who have partnered with the public to better understand shark behavior and prevent and prepare for future attacks.
Besides being one of the nation's preeminent organ builders, Austin is one of the longest-surviving. While it may have a low profile locally, it is renowned among pipe organ enthusiasts for its well-built, long-lived instruments and for a patented air chest system invented by John T.
Karen Hussey is not one to let others do for her. With two children, a husband and a full-time job at the state Department of Transportation, life for this 54-year-old Fairfield resident orbits around taking care of others. When she was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer in 2011, she reflexively added that to her endless "to do" list.
WESTPORT, Conn.-They have blinking eyes and an unnerving way of looking quizzically in the direction of whoever is speaking. They walk, dance and can talk in 19 different languages. About the height of a toddler, they look like bigger, better-dressed cousins of Buzz Lightyear.
Public libraries have been about more than books for decades, but the digitization of information and head-spinning pace of technological innovation has resulted in an expansion of offerings that Andrew Carnegie, or Jules Verne for that matter, could scarcely have imagined.
CANTON - Josh Bristol is happiest when he's working on his farm. With the arrival of summer, the picking goes on seven days per week at Bristol's Farm. Days start at 7 in the morning and run to 7 at night, except on Saturdays, when Bristol rises at 4 a.m.
When it comes to caring for everyday ailments, your grandmother had it right. Those home remedies she concocted with ingredients from her kitchen cabinet for upset stomachs, bee stings, coughs and a host of other everyday maladies have held up well over the years and are still considered highly effective, medical professionals say.
In just a few years, the local food movement has evolved from a fringe thing into a culinary philosophy that has captivated many. In Connecticut, the proof is in the burgeoning growth of farmers markets, community supported agricultural organizations — or CSAs — and restaurants touting farm-to-table cuisine.
Luxury cat "hotels" are catering to owners who don't mind paying a price to pamper their pets while they're away. One such business, the Happy Cat Hotel in Windsor, Conn., just opened in November and features themed "destination" rooms such as Mancattan, Uncity Kitty, and Paris for the Weekend.
Craig and Tanya Bell thought of themselves as big-house, backyard suburbanites until Craig accepted a work-related assignment in Germany. Living in Dusseldorf introduced the couple to the advantages of public transportation and being able to walk to the neighborhood market or bakery.
More than ever, doctors can tailor treatment to the individual. "Every cancer is unique".
When roads are slick or meetings runs late, Joe Hoke and Leesa Lawson don't stress out. Getting to and from work is a matter of walking a few feet for the Canton couple because their home - a 19th-century duplex in the Collinsville section of town - also happens to be their office.
Corporate Communications
This technical paper is the first in a series produced by Coverys, a medical liability insurance, risk management, and business analytics company
Coverys has long been a leader in innovative insurance solutions, leveraging malpractice claims and incident data to identify root causes and assist providers in avoiding adverse events while improving patient safety. During 2019, we distinguished ourselves yet again by using our analytic know-how to better position providers for the transition from fee-for-service reimbursement models to value-based care (VBC) contracts.
Representatives from more than 25 of the nation’s leading health plans gathered in Clearwater, Florida from April 13-15 to network and learn from each other and from top experts in the claims payment accuracy space.
Custom Content
Spring is here and for millions of Americans, that means pulling the ATV out of winter storage. You're probably itching to get rolling, but before you do, make sure your four-wheel friend is in good working order.
If there's one thing that binds business owners and their employees together, it's a mutual disdain for the employee performance evaluation. These alternative ways to size up performance that can help support employees, managers and the goals of your company.
If you woke up tomorrow and learned a major storm was barreling your way, would you be ready? Not "grab the flashlight and emergency preparedness kit " kind of ready, though that's certainly important. We're talking about being able to replace your home should a storm, or other disaster, leave it heavily damaged or in ruins.
We all have them: Family members and friends who, despite our repeated urging - pleading even - refuse to use social media. The conversation usually ends with some variation of "I don't have time," or "Nobody wants to know where I went on vacation."
Home ownership has long been considered a pillar of the American Dream - a sought-after goal with long-term financial benefits that renting simply doesn't afford. That's what many Boomers were told growing up, anyway. "Paying rent is like pouring money down the drain," was the conventional wisdom passed down from our parents.
The list of preparations leading up to your big day is long. From choosing a venue to compiling a guest list, the number of tasks waiting to be crossed off seems endless. Find a dress you like and can afford: Check. Agree on attendants: Check. Hire a caterer: Check. Buy life insurance: Check. Wait. What?