Metal Gear Solid, and what the series means to me
Metal Gear Solid is a reminder of a special connection I have with my dad. It might not be unique, or original, but it’s still special. This is what the series means to me.
Metal Gear Solid is a reminder of a special connection I have with my dad. It might not be unique, or original, but it’s still special. This is what the series means to me.
For the experienced gamer, Another World doesn't really need an introduction. Bursting onto the scene in 1991, launching on the Amiga and Atari ST, it was a game unlike any other. Bold, cinematic gameplay took centre stage, and an unprecedented stylishness made it stand out from anything previously released.
Old-school arcade action spruced up with next-gen graphics makes for the best PS4 title so far There are a lot of words you could use to describe Resogun: hectic, mad or exhilarating, but in my opinion, if you really wanted a quote for the box, it would have to be 'moreish'.
A journalist has turned his harrowing experiences into an online, educational text adventure. Mitch Swenson was in northern Syria in September 2013, two and a half years after the outbreak of Civil War. It was not his first time surrounded by conflict, having spent time in Libya, South Sudan, and experiencing first-hand the start of a revolution in Tahrir Square.
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Take a look at a low-def Los Santos Grand Theft Auto was released in 1997 for the PlayStation 1 and PC, but what if the series had started a decade earlier? Well a YouTube channel has remade the 2011 gameplay trailer for GTA V in the style of a Commodore 64 game.
Blizzard has announced that the Ultimate Evil Edition of blockbuster action-RPG Diablo III will be coming to PlayStation and Xbox this August, packing the recently released Reaper of Souls expansion. As well as this, there is a brand new Apprentice mode which increases the stats of beginner players so that they can play with higher-level friends, which you can enjoy in four-player same screen co-op or online.
According to a report from Ars Technica, Microsoft will soon make it so that Xbox owners will no longer need an Xbox Live Gold subscription to access streaming apps. Microsoft is currently the only company that enforces a paywall on apps like Skype, 4OD, YouTube and Internet Explorer, while Nintendo and Sony offer free access to their users.