K.L. Vujnovic

Creative Copywriter/Digital Marketer

United States

I've worked as a writer for over 15 years and have a unique blend of creativity, precision, and a knack for storytelling. I've seen how the profound power of words can tell brand stories, create interest, establish relationships, and effect change. In my previous roles, I have demonstrated my capacity to create brand voices and increase sales through blog posts, long-form articles, email, and website copy.

I'm also a book hoarder, a lover of mutts, an avid traveler, and mama to three extraordinary humans.

Jameison's Contract Services Facebook/Instagram Accounts
Shoddy Contractors

We can’t begin to list the number of times we’ve been hired to fix work done by self-proclaimed contractors, local handymen, or someone’s uncle.

Neighborhood Facebook Page
SoWo - South Worthington

Nestled between Clintonville and Riverlea is south Worthington. Or—as some homeowners have dubbed it—SoWo. We’re an old neighborhood with a renewed vitality.

Personal Essay
Museum Visit

It's been well over a decade since I've picked up a brush and applied paint to a canvas. It was something I'd done most of my life until an ex made a cruel comment about my work.

Personal Essay

I've lost track of exactly how long I had to be a Mrs. to his Mr., but we were married for about three years, give or take a few strained months. Very early on, it became evident ...

Discount Glasses Blog (now America's Best)
Kids' Picklez Glasses

If you're chasing your tail looking for quality kids' glasses, you're barking up the right tree now. Meet Picklez.

Discount Glasses Blog (now America's Best)
Time to Treat Yourself

Moms are some of the hardest-working people on the planet. From the time your bundle of joy arrives, until long after they graduate, you're ...

Discount Glasses Blog (now America's Best)
Birth of a Brand: Westend

We're as excited as expectant parents about the launch of Westend! Conceived between the coasts in Columbus, Ohio, Westend is a collection of eyewear that mixes vintage opulence with a ...

Discount Glasses Blog (now America's Best)
Memorialize the Days of Summer

If you ask us, today is one of the greatest days of the year. We get to honor soldiers who gave ...

Discount Glasses Blog (now America's Best)
A Blog is Born

After much chatting, debating, and planning, we are happy to introduce you to the DiscountGlasses.com blog! We plan to use our newly conceived platform to inspire ...

Discount Glasses (now America's Best)
You'll Be the Apple of Dad's Eye

We're only a few days out from Father's Day—but, it's not too late to get a little something for the big guy. And he deserves it.

Discount Glasses Blog (now America's Best)
Goodbye Winter, Aloha Maui Jim

This past winter, the sludge was a little too deep and the wind was a little too cold.

App of the Week/Manta
Perch: Spy the Competition

No matter how wonderfully confident you or or how well your business is doing, there's no shame in being nosy about the competition ...

The Ohio Society of CPAs
2022 Holiday Email

Amazon drivers are exhausted. Lights on homes across the state are twinkling. And local radio stations have been playing that Mariah Carey song for a good month now ...

The Ohio Society of CPAs
2020 Holiday Email

Between social unrest, political division, and a surging pandemic, I suspect "unprecedented" is the most used word to describe this roller coaster we call 2020.

Manta Holiday Email

The stockings are hung, the packages mailed, and the eggnog is chilling ...