Kathleen Brewin Lewis

Poet/Editor/Would-Be Novelist

United States

Kathleen Brewin Lewis is the author of two chapbooks of poetry, "Fluent in Rivers" and "July's Thick Kingdom" (FutureCycle Press). Her prose and poetry have also appeared in Southern Humanities Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Tar River Poetry, Cider Press Review, The Christian Century, Still: The Journal, and several anthologies. She's a two-time Pushcart Prize nominee, as well as a Best of the Net nominee. Kathleen reads, writes, walks, and cooks in Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia.

Menacing Hedge

Once I believed in emblems. Signs and portents. The sound of the owl the night you left. A shard of blue eggshell on the path. The blood moon after I miscarried. Now I only believe in coincidence. If believe is even the right word. The spare change you deposit on your dresser each evening?

Downing the Sun by Kathleen Brewin Lewis

In the west now, a searing sunset illumines the imprint of your breast on mine. There have you traveled on purpose without me, no forwarding address, no departing line. Is this the glimmer for which you betrayed me? Can you remember the slant of our sky?

Fluent in Rivers

Fluent in Rivers [Kathleen Brewin Lewis] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In this lyrical chapbook of poetry, Kathleen Brewin Lewis writes of a hunger to know and connect with the natural environment

Kathleen Brewin Lewis

The only child lies awake during a wind storm Kathleen Brewin Lewis Listening to pecans thud on the silver roof. Hers is the back bedroom that faces the yard. She wonders if a limb from the old tree...

Valparaiso Poetry Review

Table of Contents Allison Joseph Patricia Fargnoli Michael Meyerhofer Rachel Dacus Mary Makofske John Drury Wendy Barker Pamela Davis James Owens Susan McLean Taylor Graham Sherod Santos Athena Kildegaard Thomas Reiter Valerie Wohlfeld Joey Nicoletti Laura Davies Foley Paul Dickey Laurie Lamon Gilbert Allen Jeanne Wagner William Page Anna Leahy Shane Seely Chantel Acevedo Alice Friman Michael Dobberstein Karina Borowicz Tina Barr Kathleen Brewin Lewis Liz N.

Why I Love Fruitcake

Fruitcake is probably the most maligned baked good on the planet, the butt of countless jokes, and a dreaded Christmas gift. The website www.basicjokes.com lists 20 uses for a fruitcake that include using it as a boat anchor, a replacement for a Duraflame log, a doorstop, and a pencilholder.