Kathy Golding

Technical writer & grant writer

United States

I am an experienced writer with a Master's of Science in Technical Communication who is familiar with technical writing, grant writing, and medical writing. Additionally, I also have experience with usability testing. The majority of my work experience is in the legal field in the role of a legal secretary, however I am looking to use the document preparation and team collaboration skills that I gained through my work experience and apply it towards a career in technical communication.


Grant Writing

University of Houston Downtown
Letter of Intent

A letter of intent that I prepared for Save a Purrfect Cat Rescue.

Plain Language

University of Houston Downtown
Plain Language Analysis on Texas District Court Websites

An example of my plain language work. I conducted a plain language analysis of three court websites and suggested revisions that each could do to meet plain language requirements.

Medical Writing

Game Skinny

Obscure horror games: D

Cannibalism, a crazy dad, and knights abound in Kenji Eno's survival horror game, D.

10 Licensed games that are actually good!

It's a popular opinion among gamers that licensed games are terrible. Although that opinion might be mostly valid, there are some great, licensed titles which

The Last of Us is a true work of art

Developer Naughty Dog's gorgeous and amazing title is not only one of the most powerful stories ever told, but a masterful work of art.