Kathryn Simpson

Freelance writer

writing on trauma, history, identity, and culture

Bad Feeling Magazine
Review - Assassinate boredom with Sandra Oh's superb new show Killing Eve

A lot of us held the highest of high hopes for Killing Eve, the new TV show starring Sandra Oh. Oh hasn't had a huge television role since her iconic performance as Dr. Cristina Yang on Grey's Anatomy finished four years ago. Mostly this has been a really shitty thing, because Oh is phenomenally talented.

On Sharp Objects and Feeling Ruined | TV Guide

Scars are like corporeal cartography, mapping out the most painful experiences we've survived. But what about scars from cuts intended to cure pain? What tales do they tell? I have a secret history of self-injury. Like so many "secrets," though, my self-injury scars merely hide in plain sight - more ignored than concealed, really.

Bad Feeling Magazine
Live Review: Is it? It is! An evening with Crispin Glover

LIVE! - Is it? It is! Two Nights with Crispin Glover January 28, 2017: "Crispin Hellion Glover's Big Slide Show Part 1," followed by the film What Is It?, Q&A, and a book signing Cinema de Sève, Concordia University "I desire to make films that go beyond the realm of that which is considered good and evil."