Aging and Longevity
I'm an independent journalist and PR pro focusing on physical health, emotional wellness, and successful aging. After decades of covering these beats for national publications and Fortune 500 clients, I'm using what I've learned to help everyone live their healthiest life possible. I'm living my dream through my creative projects and my adventures in the great outdoors.
Aging and Longevity
Are younger people smarter? Are older people wiser? Living longer affects the brain, but exactly how may surprise you.
Good balance can improve your body and brain and may even help predict how long you’ll live. Here’s how to test yourself.
Sure, I used to have worldly success, endless energy, and a closetful of trendy clothes. But I didn’t have what I have now
In my 20s, I disrespected my older colleagues. In my 60s, the tables turned. Now I know why.
Humans age dramatically at two key life points, risking health. Fortunately, there are evidence-backed secrets to maintaining vitality
Dad was the ultimate handyman. But when he left, he couldn't fix our broken hearts.
Older adults are especially prone to fake news, scams, and misinformation. Here’s why, and how to protect your loved ones
America’s major party candidates are among the oldest ever to serve as POTUS. How old is too old to lead?
It was clear Dad needed to stop driving, but he resisted moving to the passenger seat.
Scientists have long believed human females are the only primates who go through the “change of life.” But new research throws a monkey wrench into that theory.
I made a list of my biggest worries. The results were astounding.
Why does the American Dream elude so many young people? Boomers would do well to shift their perspective and acknowledge how lucky they've been.
Exercise and Fitness
Strength training does more than fortify muscles. It saved my daughter from an abusive relationship, and likely saved her life.
To a skeptical health writer, energy healing seemed as fake as a cheap Rolex. But when nothing else worked, she leaned into this ancient mystical practice.
Muscle loss increases with age, and can lead to greater weakness and less mobility. But through the right exercise, muscle strength can be maintained.
Squished into a 17-inch seat for an 18-hour journey, I tested high-flying tactics to keep myself grounded
Alas, another summer is history. But if you’re willing to brave the chill, autumn offers some pretty amazing perks.
To create my best life in retirement, I learned I had to shift my perspective
It may sound Grinchy, but it’s not. I’ve embraced JOMO — the Joy of Missing Out — and I’m already feeling merrier
A 60-something woman realizes the best birthday gifts aren't exotic adventures or self-improvement products...but instead family, friends, wine, and dogs.
Mental Health
Pouring your heart onto the page unleashes a host of benefits — from shaking off stress to boosting your immune system
Once-dead shopping malls are re-emerging as community hubs — offering social connections for people of all ages
No need to freak out, America. Here’s how to tune out the noise of this election and tune into the joy.
Many seniors suffer from depression and anxiety. Here's how to tell if you or your loved one is just getting older…or if it's something more serious.
In this age of abundance we’re all vulnerable to compulsive overconsumption. Whatever your guilty pleasure, here’s how to break the cycle and bring balance.
The truth is, we need each other. The problem is, we don’t like to admit it.
Natural disasters, extreme temperatures, and worry about the future are taking a toll on global emotional health. Here’s what you can do.
Nutrition, Diet and Healthy Eating
Big Food companies have purposely addicted you to junk, creating an unfair fight. Science offers a simple and pleasurable way to win the battle.
Even if gluten throws you a gut punch, science suggests you may still be able to enjoy bread. The trick is to go against the grain.
Physical Health
The brain can generate pain in the absence of injury, but what the brain can learn, it can unlearn.
The last week of the year is the deadliest time for cardiac issues. Here’s the sobering truth on how to stay merry and avoid a Christmas coronary.
Yoga workouts slowed — but didn’t stop — Mom’s disease. New research adds fresh clinical tools that may end it altogether.
Kissing can make a man and a woman feel perfectly connected. It can also set off a full-blown battle of the sexes
We all know kissing can be magic. But the question is, why?
Comprehending the opposite sex can be exasperating. But the gender gaps are not as wide as you think.
Dads still cop out on tasks at home, leaving moms to serve as both household CEO and chief bottle washer. The result? Moms are sicker, sadder, and more stressed out
After an angry customer tosses food into her face, a fast-food worker discovers tips on civility that are backed by science and easy to adopt.
As Americans consider the prospect of a female President, where does that leave men? The answer may depend on your politics
My in-laws, married for over 55 years, died within three months of each other. Was this a coincidence -- or can you really die of a broken heart?
The holiday linked to gratitude and togetherness has morphed into a minefield. Experts weigh in on how to lower the temperature and keep your sanity intact.
Estrangements between parents and adult children are surprisingly common, and experts say they're growing. Here's why it happens and how families can heal.
After realizing my childhood dreams had faded, I found a way to bring them back to life
Some retirees thrive, while others flounder. Here’s how to ease into the good life after calling it quits.
Some older workers can’t afford to stay working
Many older workers long to move on, but the timing's just not right. Here are four steps to take to ease your way toward retirement freedom.
If you're stuck between the burning desire to retire and an undercooked nest egg, use these strategies to make the most of your career's final stretch.
When life goes stale, a new retiree tries to shake things up at the roulette table, with unexpected results.
In retirement, some things speed up, while others slow down. Before you take the plunge, learn how to maintain your balance and avoid losing your bearings.
COVID-19 causes a burned-out worker to reexamine her life's priorities and make some life-altering changes.
When the path to retirement is unclear, a burned-out worker tunes into the voice within and finds the courage to build a life of balance and authenticity.
Society and Culture
The founders’ original vision didn’t extend to everyone. For those left behind, we need to finish the job
Tax time is hardly fun. But a shift in mindset can bring surprising rewards
A woman interviews a stranger and learns he's a concentration camp survivor. Years later, she travels to Dachau to honor him and retrace his steps.
And it’s even scarier than the Hollywood version
The U.S. lacks guaranteed paid parental leave, and grandparents are taking up the slack. It's time we did more more to support both parents and children.
Overcoming ageism and sexism, Barbara Walters became a legend in television journalism, paving the way for a more equitable workplace for all.
By breaking his silence about the Holocaust, Eric Behr left a tribute to the power of speaking up and an example of the resilience of the human spirit.
Outsized outbreaks, twisted sisters, and more nighttime havoc create new threats way beyond Tornado Alley
Research indicates that heat and humidity become dangerous or even lethal at levels much lower than previously believed. Here's how to protect yourself.
I sensed my recurring nightmare was happening for a reason. What science led me to discover was beyond my wildest dreams.
Does this eerie parlor game really give voices to ghostly spirits? While the answer is debatable, scientists envision even more intriguing clinical applications.
Psychology explains why — for so many of us — these stars of kiddie birthday parties and peddlers of good, clean fun are truly no laughing matter
Forgetting a kid in a hot car happens only to bad parents, right? Think again. Neuroscience reveals a brain glitch that causes these horrific accidents.
Not everyone gets sleepy watching the watch swing. Here’s why, and what science is doing to bring hypnosis out of the shadows.
While it can’t turn you into a werewolf, the lunar cycle may have real power, modern research suggests.
At 100, Jimmy Carter has a lot to say about retirement, aging, and living a life of purpose
The prevailing wisdom advises ignoring your regrets. Science calls bullshit. Reviewing your regrets can be liberating…and can be the path to your best life.
Whether planned or unplanned, life's transitions as we age can be frightening. But they can also be opportunities for growth and positive change.