kalee cowan

Writer, Storyteller, Dreamer

United States of America

My First Apartment
7 Ways to Stay Friends with Your Roommate - My First Apartment

Living with a roommate can be fun and exciting, but it can also be hard. You and your roommate may have different schedules where you don't see each other often. You may like a clean apartment while your roommate doesn't mind a messy floor. You may not like your roommate's significant other crashing every night,...

My First Apartment
Bills, Bills, Bills... And Splitting Them with Roommates - My First Apartment

By Kalee Cowan Receiving monthly bills that are your responsibility can be a major wake-up call. When I moved into my first apartment, the whole concept of living away from home was new to me. The biggest misconception I had was about bills. Away from home and my parents, I discovered a lot of bills...

Your Teen Magazine
10 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Going to College

1. Read every word of the book you are assigned - it won't kill you. I promise. Yes, the first few chapters may be boring and a total pain to get through, but by the time you read the final word and close the back cover, you'll have learned more about both life and yourself than you could have imagined.

The Financial Diet
Confessions Of An Investment Beginner Who Got Hooked On The Stock Market

Money used to strike me as an evil that I couldn't escape. It scared me. Money is like a never-ending game that often brings me stress and worry. How will I pay for a house one day? Will I be able to afford to have kids? Will I be able to afford nice vacations?