Jessica Conway

Writer, Journalist, Communicator


Welcome to my writing portfolio.

I'm Jessica Conway, a multi-media journalist, editor, and storyteller with extensive publishing experience. I create engaging, impactful copy adaptable to your needs. Whether it's blog posts, web content, SEO/SEM, press releases, advertorials, journalism, or ghostwriting, I hope my work speaks for itself—scroll down for a selection.

My latest passion is photography, using my storytelling skills and new technology to create work with depth and resonance.

Explore my work and let's create something amazing together!

Home Stories: Aline and Simon | HerCanberra

This week on Home Stories, Ashley and photographer Jess Conway head to the city to visit the home of Aline and Simon-and learn some lessons along the way.

National Health and Medical Research Council
Research Excellence Awards

COPYWRITING: While working with the National Health and Medical Research Council, I had the privilege of interviewing several outstanding doctors and professors who were nominated for prestigious awards, fellowships, and grants. Storytelling was at the heart of my work. I had to clearly explain the significance of their research, how it impacts modern society, and the essence of their individual projects.

NZ Herald
Greyhound racing over in NSW and ACT

New South Wales premier Mike Baird announcement today that the greyhound industry will be closed completely from July next year has been met with a mixed...

New home for 'Lucky'

A puppy, left for dead in an attack that saw nine other puppies bashed to death, has found a new home.