Digital Editorial
Digital Editorial
As the project manager for the newly rebranded Relish, formerly Active Minds, I work closely with a team of developers to migrate and update all the existing content to the new site and manage the workflow of getting new products available to our customers asap. I manage the brand-new CMS, Laravel, create content, and oversee all aspects of the rebrand of site content.
Writer/commissioning editor
Commissioning Editor
Commissioning Editor
Commissioning Editor
Commissioning Editor
Commissioning Editor
Commissioning Editor
Commissioning Editor
Print Editorial
Blast was a programme that aimed to inspire and motivate young people to develop their creative talents and showcase their art, dance, film, music, writing, games and fashion on a range of digital platforms and through an annual UK tour. As the content manager for the tour, I travelled throughout the UK working on weekly events for young people and publishing all the digital content created online and with local BBC outlets.
As the content manager for Culture Works East, I collated all the digital content and promotional materials produced on site and worked with local publications to promote it as the event was happening.
As the content manager on BBC Blast, I created promotional videos for the project and managed all the digital content created on the tour.
I was the editorial lead on all destination content at Lonely Planet, which included video content for global campaigns.