Finance & Investment
I am a financial journalist @Loan_Radar, a real-time financial news service focused on the global syndicated loan market. I also specialised in asset management, as well as in renewable energy & infrastructure, and have a good network of senior contacts within both sectors.
Previous experiences include writing features on human rights and education.
London-based and NCTJ-qualified, I have worked in different European countries and written for English, German and American publications, as well as Maltese and Italian ones.
Also Equality co-officer at @NUJ_LFB (NUJ).
Previous: Financial Reporter @Citywire @cwselector and @inspiratia; Senior Reporter @ElGazette.
Finance & Investment
Renewable Energy and Infrastructure
Journalism FestivalS - NUJ - Current Affairs - Blog
OFFICERS of London Freelance Branch presented reports to the Annual General Meeting in January. More may follow later. The Chair It's been different!
An altercation between London residents and police officers occurred in Finsbury Park, on Sunday, April 5, where a large group had gathered despite government-imposed restrictions aimed to limit the spread of the coronavirus in the UK.
A TRAINING survey recently run by LFB's Training Officers aimed to identify which course London Freelance Branch members feel they should attend to increase their opportunities for work. LFB training officers Federica Tedeschi and Tim Gopsill put together the three-question online survey after the LFB Data Journalism courses they had organised in 2019 proved significantly less popular than they had been in previous years.
Is journalism the most interesting job in the world?
Freelance workers face many challenges - everything from getting the pitch right to getting paid, working alone to managing accounts and tax returns. NUJ Brighton's Freelance Forum by the Sea is a one-day event to support journalists, writers, broadcasters, bloggers, podcasters, designers and photographers in successful pitching, tax & accounting, tackling loneliness and getting motivated.
IN APRIL, Branch member Federica Tedeschi went to Perugia, in Italy, to attend the International Journalism Festival (IJF19). She says it's "a global and inspiring event worth travelling for every year". LONG distance does not seem to be an issue, with some of the (over 650) IJF19 speakers coming from as far as Philippines and Australia.
At approximately 03:45 on Tuesday, 17 April, a moped carrying two persons was involved in a collision with another car at Seven Sisters Road after failing to stop for police, a Met Police spokesperson confirmed. A male and female both believed to be 18 years old were injured in the crash outside Finsbury Park station.
Archant Two moped riders were injured in a police chase this morning after crashing outside Finsbury Park station in Seven Sisters Road. Police in Seven Sisters Road, outside Finsbury Park station, this morning, after a serious moped crash. Picture: Federica Tedeschi/@FedericaLondon The incident happened near the junction with St Thomas's Road at about 3.45am.
Centinaia di italiani residenti o in vacanza a Londra sono scesi in piazza ieri per difendere la dignità delle donne e del Paese durante la manifestazione "Se non ora quando?", arrivata nella capitale inglese grazie al Popolo Viola London che, fin dalla sua nascita nel 2009, si è impegnato in azioni di informazione, sensibilizzazione e protesta ...
In this blog I write UK news stories with a focus on what is happening in London.
Human Rights, Environment and Activist Arts
The UK government has reversed its decision not to extend free school meals over term holidays, following a campaign by footballer Marcus Rashford (8 November, 2020). In the light of COVID-19, over a million people signed Mr Rashford's petition End child food poverty - no child should be going hungry, between the second half of October and the beginning of November.
"The Home Office has talked of becoming a more 'fair, humane and compassionate' department. Immediately scrapping this cruel rule on rough sleeping would be a good place to start." This is how Amnesty International UK's director Kate Allen has condemned powers within new immigration rules, which took effect on 1 December and establish that non-UK nationals who are rough sleeping could face deportation beginning 1 January, 2021.
'A man attempted to take his life at Napier Barracks in Folkestone yesterday', reads a report recently published by AVID, a network of voluntary organisations providing support for people in detention (20 November 2020).
Post-natal depression affects around 65% of women, according to UK Pre and Postnatal Depression Advice and Support (PANDA). A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health in the USA has highlighted elevated anxiety and depression symptoms compared to similar pre-pandemic pregnancy cohorts, with participants reporting clinically relevant symptoms of depression and clinically relevant symptoms of anxiety in 37% and 57% of the cases, respectively (Data published by the US National...
The UK has chosen not to incorporate the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights into domestic law, therefore threatening protections that help keep people safe in the United Kingdom. The decision, which follows Conservative MPs' vote against the Charter in 2018, as well as follow-up discussions during the Brexit negotiations in February 2019, has not been overturned during the eight rounds of UK-EU future relationship discussions which have taken place since the vote.
The coronavirus pandemic's economic impact in Italy has brought a rise of euroscepticism within the country. A new anti-EU party wants to tap into the sentiments. Italexit is a new political party launched on July 23, with the aim to get Italy out of the European Union (EU).
Data refer to the seven* biggest supermarket chains in the U.K., and it is possible to track a positive change in people's behaviour starting on October 2015, when large retailers in England were required by law to begin charging 5p for all single-use plastic bags.
The regional administrative court (TAR) of 'Lazio' has lifted a ban on Spanish NGO migrant rescue ship Open Arms entering Italian waters, according to Italian newspaper La Repubblica. The decision, which was taken on August 14, has irritated the Interior Minister and leader of the far-right party 'La Lega' Matteo Salvini.
Over a fifth of the UK population (14 million people) live in poverty, according to a report published at the end of 2018 by the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR). Further data highlighted that 4 million people are over 50% below the poverty line, while 1.5 million are 'unable to afford basic essentials'.
Thousands of people of all faiths broke the fast together during a buzzing Street Iftar event in North London on May 21. It is the second year that the two local mosques, Finsbury Park and Muslim Welfare House hold Iftar outdoors to celebrate diversity in the borough of Islington.
TheMare Jonio ship is currently on its sixth mission observing, documenting and informing people on what is happening across the Mediterranean. It is in the Search and Rescue (SAR) Area off Libya, the Mediterranea Saving Humans (Mediterranea) website reads.
More than 1,000 activists were arrested during the 11-day Extinction Rebellion demonstrations in London, according to the Metropolitan Police website. The protests, which ended on April 25, were part of a global movement of people who took to the streets in more than 80 cities in 33 countries all over the world and were organised by apolitical British climate group Extinction Rebellion, which 'uses non-violent civil disobedience to achieve radical change (...)
The Personal Independence Payment (PIP) has been set in 2013 by the Department for Work and Pension (DWP), to cover the extra costs of living with a disability. It was introduced to eventually replace the Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
All children of parents who are seeking divorce in Italy, will have to undergo shared parenting plan, almost regardless of their specific family situation. The new divorce bill, put forward by the country's far-right party 'La Lega' last September, wants all children to spend at least twelve days a month with each parent (including night time), and domestic violence would not necessarily change terms and conditions.
'Vulnerable migrants made homeless after Italy passes Salvini decree', reported the national press last November, soon after the Italian parliament adopted the decree that has caused a stir up and down the country and beyond the Italian borders.
All immigrants will be evicted from Riace, an Italian town which received international praise for its integration scheme. The order comes from the far-right Minister of Interior Matteo Salvini, who is well-known for his anti-immigration views, and follows a series of recent events which have deeply affected the lives of the multicultural village's inhabitants.
Zina Hamu is a Yazidi young woman from the Sinjar district in Iraqi Kurdistan, who survived the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) capture and found a new purpose in life through photojournalism.
A hundred years ago the British women won the right to vote in parliamentary elections. Although the Representation of the People Act granted such right only to ladies over the age of 30 who owned a house or were married to householders, it represented a turning point in history.
The presence of ethnically diverse British Muslims in England and Wales has increased significantly over the last 15 years, with London currently hosting the majority and over 47% of their population was born in the UK.
More than half of the 22 million refugees currently around the world, are children. UNICEF UK has also stated that at least 300,000 unaccompanied kids moving across borders were registered in 80 countries between 2015-16, marking a near fivefold increase in only four years.
Black History Month, aka National African American History Month, recalls the acknowledgement and celebration of black people's contribution across history and society within the arts, maths and sciences. Black History Month has celebrated its 30th anniversary in the UK this year. The precursor to this event was however created in 1926 by Dr. Carter G.
Bananas are considered the most popular fruit in the world, with over 100 billion units eaten every year. Five billions of them are consumed in the UK, where one in three bananas sold carries the Fairtrade mark, according to the Fairtrade Association.
Almost 46 million people live in some form of modern slavery in 167 countries all over the world, has revealed the Global Slavery Index 2016 and a whopping 13,000 potential victims are in the UK (Home Office 2014). What does modern slavery exactly mean, though?
Tea is an essential part of everyday life for most people in the United Kingdom. No wonder that Britain is the second largest per person tea drinking nation; second only to the Republic of Ireland. Data disclosed by the UK Tea & Infusions Association reveal that the UK inhabitants drink a whopping 165 million cups daily.
fairplanet has met Victoria Sharkey, immigration adviser at Medivisas in London, who advises permanent residence (PR) applicants about the hurdles these citizens face after the Brexit. Since the Brexit referendum results were announced in June 2016, there has been a sharp rise in the number of EU nationals applying for permanent residence (PR).
fairplanet met Mr. Toufik Kacimi, CEO of the Muslim Welfare House, a Community Centre and a Mosque, to shed light on how the atrocity has effected the Muslim community by recent terror attacks.
fairplanet has interviewed Marwa Mahmoud, who is in charge of intercultural education within the Mondinsieme Centre, shed light on the hurdles faced by both long-term and second-generation immigrants who apply for the Italian citizenship.
Barikamà is an African migrants' cooperative which produces organic & African-style yoghurt in Rome (Italy). Its name means resilience in Bambara, Mali's most widely spoken language and is a tribute to the hurdles faced by its founder and his business partners during their journey to Italy and while experiencing life in this new country.
Remote killing became a defining point of war following the invention of the bow and arrow thousands of years ago. Since the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism began recording data in 2010, a minimum of 2,262 drone strikes has been confirmed, causing between 6,263 and 9,049 deaths.
Nois, from the Sardinian word 'us', is the first news programme in Italy done by immigrants and designed for immigrants. The pivotal project, launched in April 2016 in Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy), was set up by theatre company Sardegna Teatro and local online TV channel Eja TV, after having won the MigrArti competition with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism.
In 2015 the Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) gave advice or support relating to a possible forced marriage in 1,220 cases, according to the Home Office. Over the years the FMU, which was set in 2005 and works on the Government's forced marriage policy to operate both inside the UK and overseas, has dealt with cases concerning more than 90 countries: Pakistan, Bangladesh and India were the three highest volume ones in 2015.
My Granddad's car is the successful outcome of an ongoing project between British born artists Karl Ohiri and Sayed Hasan, who met in 2007 while attending Goldsmiths, University of London. The exhibition, which took place last month at the Stephen Lawrence Gallery in Greenwich (London), followed an overwhelmingly positive response to the previous display at the New Art Exchange in Nottingham.
Africa Experience is a new restaurant run by ex-refugees, which opened last month in a historic street in Venice called calle, famous for its typical shops and houses. The eatery, whose menu represents the journey its chefs made from Africa to Italy, is the brainchild of Hamed Ahmadi, a movie director who fled from Afghanistan to Italy in 2006.
The world's first shop for homeless people CRACK+CIDER has kept many rough sleepers warm in London since its launch a year ago. The project has been entirely conceived and funded by strategist Charlotte Cramer and advertising executive Scarlett Montanaro, who met at the University of the Arts in London whilst studying Advertising: "Living in London, we were walking past many homeless people every single day without doing anything and we felt really bad about it.
It is no fact from the last century - People still die under police custody in 2016, in a country like the United Kingdom. Especially, cases in the black and minority ethnic communities become to a wider awareness.
One of the worst consequences is currently cyberbullying, which, according to American clinical psychologist Joe Taravella, is on the rise among teens and adults. Most of it is happening on social media. Using technology gadgets to send, text, post images or comments intended to hurt and embarrass another person can have long-term or even permanent consequences.
Abortion is banned in Northern Ireland, even in cases of rape or incest or where the foetus will not survive. Women face life imprisonment for accessing reproductive health services that are instead freely provided on the National Health Service (NHS) everywhere else in the UK.
Data released by UNICEF this year reveals that around 200 million girls and women worldwide live with FGM and a quarter of them are below the age of 15. What actions have been taken by the Government and National Health Service in the UK, where the brutal practice was made illegal in 1985?
Fairplanet is an online magazine concerned with issues about human rights, environment and activist arts. People perform better in the workplace when they can be themselves. Fairplanet looked at the steps employers in the UK are taking to have a positive impact on the lives of their LGBT staff.
Fairplanet is an online magazine concerned with issues about human rights, environment and activist arts. Last February the Department for Communities and Local Government released the 2014 figures on homelessness across England, showing that more than 2,700 people slept rough on any one night; this was up 14 per cent from the estimated number of rough sleepers in 2013.
International monthly newspaper for the English Language Teaching (ELT) industry and international English-medium education. Please scroll down to find a list of all my reports.
Iran is to ban the teaching of English in primary schools, according to reports.
Malta has seen a 'significant growth of Esol students from Brazil, Colombia and other markets outside the EU/EEA area', according to Genevieve Abela, chief executive of Feltom, the Maltese association of language schools, which sets and monitors quality standards for its members.
Consumer Trends
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Store Brands delivers unprecedented strategic and tactical information needed by retail executives to develop and support compelling, differentiated store brand programs to build customer loyalty.
Store Brands delivers unprecedented strategic and tactical information needed by retail executives to develop and support compelling, differentiated store brand programs to build customer loyalty.
Store Brands delivers unprecedented strategic and tactical information needed by retail executives to develop and support compelling, differentiated store brand programs to build customer loyalty.
Store Brands delivers unprecedented strategic and tactical information needed by retail executives to develop and support compelling, differentiated store brand programs to build customer loyalty.
Accounting magazines
Established in 1874, The Accountant is one of the oldest and most prestigious trade magazines in the world. Today The Accountant offers a comprehensive range of briefing services across topics including regulation, legislation and education for those working in the accounting profession.
International Accounting Bulletin is the only global magazine covering the professional services world. Focusing on business issues affecting firms, networks and associations, it is a trusted source for leading accounting news, as well as vital data and analysis provided by its survey features.