Bernard O'Rourke



I write words about the arts, music and cinema. I also shoot and edit videos, and write fiction.

CIACLA - bringing Irish culture to Los Angeles

Bernard O'Rourke writes for Culture about CIACLA, the Contemporary Irish Arts Center Los Angeles, an exciting new project promoting contemporary Irish culture in Los Angeles. It's no understatement to say that the packed out launch of CIACLA in Bergamot Station, Santa Monica earlier this month felt like a real moment of celebration for all involved.
Toe-tapping trad combined with a soaring post-rock soundscape? Túcan is your band

You'd be forgiven for failing to see the similarities between a toe-tapping trad session and a soaring post-rock soundscape, but Túcan blend the two so seamlessly it's hard to spot where one facet of their sound ends and the other begins. The endlessly eclectic and inventive Irish instrumental act have just released their second album 'Towers'.

Why Jinx Lennon is an important artist

There's a lyric on the manic, discoish lead single of Past Pupil Stay Sane that goes: " Man in the pub said play Neil Young / Or a Leonard Cohen song / Play us something we can all sing along / we're tired of listening to your shitty oul sounds ".

St. Vincent | Interview

Electric Picnic doesn't tend to repeat itself. While familiar Irish bands will pop up again and again, the international acts rarely make a repeat appearance. So St. Vincent must be doing something special to be back for a second year running.

Courtney Barnett - Sometimes I Sit... | Album Review

With Australian singer-songwriter Courtney Barnett having practically blown the roof off a recent Whelan's show with a barrage of grungy riffs , it'd be reasonable to expect an similar garage rock intensity present on her debut album 'Sometimes I Sit and Think, And Sometimes I Just Sit'.

Fangclub - Plec Picks 2017

Every year the GoldenPlec community of writers and photographers (50+) come together to vote on their ones to watch for the upcoming year. After pulling the votes together, we select our 'Plec Picks' for 2017. We have classical artists alongside rap, jazz, funk, grunge and anything in between.

Review | The Wonder by Emma Donoghue

The first thing likely to strike any Irish reader of Emma Donoghue's new novel is the contempt its narrator holds for the Irish. Sure, it may be the obsessively catholic and dismally poor rural Ireland of the 1850s, but it's hard not to see a certain analogue of today's country in the image Donoghue paints - less a literal reflection of said attitudes and more a residual taint of their presence.