Gréta Csernik

Freelance Journalist

United Kingdom

I am a freelance journalist, working in both Hungarian and English. I graduated from The University of Warwick in 2018, with a History degree. I am doing my masters at Warwick in Film and Television Studies between 2018-2019. I have been writing cultural, historical and fashion related articles for the Hungarian online magazine WMN. I have been writing for the award-winner newspaper of The University of Warwick, The Boar. My articles cover topics in the Art, Books, Film and Travel sections.


The World of Apu

The World of Apu
Don't analyse the magic: Ildikó Enyedi's On Body and Soul | The World of Apu

European cinema has always differed from Hollywood, in working and artistic style, in subject matter, and consequently in its audience and its reception. Hollywood movies generally present understandable plotlines, stories that engage audiences all over the world. European movies tend to be more realistic, often nationalistic, focusing on small groups of people, representing the minority's point of view on a world event.

The World of Apu
Enyedi Ildikó filmje, Testről és lélekről - A magyar mozi | The World of Apu

Az Európai film ipar mindig is különbözött a Hollywooditól mind témaválasztásában, mind munkastílusában és így nézőközönségben és a filmek fogadtatásában is. A Hollywoodi filmek általában a tömegeket szólítják meg, egyszerű, egyszálon futó cselekményükkel és gyakran általánosító, sokakat érintő üzenetükkel. Az európai filmekről azt tartják valóságosabbak, naturalisztikusabbak és szűkebb eseményekre, kisebb csoportokra koncentrálnak.

The Boar

The Boar
Marilyn Monroe in the movies

"I wanna be loved by you...nobody else but you" - sings Marilyn Monroe in the 50-year-old classic, Some Like It Hot. The song could not have been more suited to her, she who wanted to be loved for herself just by one man, and instead was loved for her image by all.

The Boar
A call to modernise theatre and cinema

Both the theatre and the cinema as entertainment mediums have been in crisis for the past few years. Experts and fans are trying to figure out what the future holds for both mediums, and how they could be preserved in their present format - if they should be at all.

The Boar
My favourite genre: romance

R omance books are often associated with unoriginal, repetitive, uncreative pulp fiction. No doubt, there are many with considerably little artistic value but the 'classic' ones are about so much more than just a pretty girl falling in love with a handsome boy.

The Boar
Travelling with pets: ideal dream or worst nightmare?

Everyone usually has their own horror story when it comes to preparing and packing for a summer vacation. Frantically running up and down the stairs, trying to find the bottom half of that particular blue bikini, and shouting over to your sister to see if she's still got the white dress you lent her months ago.

The Boar
An insight into Hungarian movies

European cinema has always had a very distinctive style from Hollywood. Probably the most exciting feature of the European film industry is that each and every European country has its own, unique film history and film style whilst sharing a melancholic mood that comes from its stormy history.

The Boar
Diverse Books: How Can We Make Authors Better At Writing Them?

There has been an online campaign calling for greater diversity in literature over the last few months. Roni Loren of the Huffington Post argues that authors are scared to write diverse characters into their books. Is it really fear that stops them?

The Boar
Secrets in the international fashion closet

If you've seen The Devil Wears Prada, you'll have your own ideas about the fashion industry, about this secret world that exists behind the closet doors. I had my opinion, and I suppose it was similar to what you've got in mind right now, until I went to be an intern at a Hungarian fashion company, Makány Márta Fashion.