In On Burnley Road: Class, Race and Politics in a Northern English Town, Mike Maikin-Waite, an officer for Burnley Council between 1995 and 2018, develops a personally inflected local history explo...
Since 1962 Werner Herzog has directed seventy films, an oeuvre which seeks knowledge gained from close-up confrontation with the world. His goal is to
In the cinema of Rainer Werner Fassbinder things end hopelessly. "Betrayal and death ... 3 murders and a suicide ... overdose of tranquilisers ... breakdown and
Ruben Östlund describes himself as a socialist, and on the surface his films exhibit a flair for zeitgeisty political engagement, lampooning luxury ski resorts and the hypocrisies of the nuclear family in Force Majeure (2014), the pretensions of the art world in The Square (2017), and now the excesses of the super-rich in Triangle of Sadness.
If the radical potential of adaptation lies in its ability to harness the energy of an established text for new purpose, how much can it compromise, alter, or deny in pursuit of this goal?
In the latest print edition of Another Gaze (Issue 05), I wrote about the abolition of the nuclear family, futurity and apocalypse in Jan Schmidt's The End of August at the Hotel Ozone (1967), drawing on the work of Sophie Lewis, Marx and Sianne Ngai.
"That's the way I work: I try to imagine what I would like to see," said Sofia Coppola in an interview with The New York Times in 2003.
How can cinema show social reproduction?
The central premise of Detective Pikachu is simple and disquieting. Pikachu - the sweet, yellow, fluffy Pokémon who can shoot electricity from his body - has become a cop.
This paper explores how ‘spatial practices’ – which are produced via the complex interaction of what David Harvey terms experienced, perceived, and lived space – are central to police power. I analyse the ways in which the mediatisation of urban life helped constitute spaces of police dominance in Liverpool in the 1970s.
Talk with Lamorna Ash on Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen's Riddles of the Sphinx (1977) for TANKtv
We are delighted to announce the participants of the Another Gaze led Critics Workshop at Open City 2022. The Critics Workshop is an immersive six-day programme developed by the Another Gaze editorial team to discuss the methodologies and practice of a politically engaged film criticism.
Conference paper for SASE. Society For the Advancement of Socioeconomics: Capitalism and the Global Carceral Empire of Control. Organised by Ida Danewid and Sabrina Axster. Panel: Policing, Settler Colonialism and the Carceral State.
Conference paper on visuality, policing and new towns.
Panel discussion.
Quentin Skinner, reed-like, in acid soil