Gabrielle van Welie

Global Content Manager at Ria Money Transfer


Hi! I’m Gaby. I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic with a French name, a Dutch last name, and a predominantly Lebanese aesthetic. Since then, I’ve been telling stories to explain what that’s all about, and I’ve never looked back. I’m obsessed with the written word, the power of stories, and uncovering the essence of things. In my personal life, I do it by typing away into my fantasy saga WIP. In my professional life, I do it by making brands tick through earnest storytelling.

Ria Money Transfer
Ria Brand Storytelling

A money transfer starts long before a customer walks into our store or downloads our app. It starts when someone brave leaves behind everything they know to provide a better life for those they love.

Ria Money Transfer
A Case for Affordable Remittances

By empowering migrant workers, we help lift economies, one family and one community at a time. And, isn't a global crisis the best time to get started?

The Ria Blog
Mexico: Places, Culture, Tradition - The Ria Blog

Many might know Mexico because of tacos and mariachis, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. The Latin American country is rich in history, culture, and, of course, Mexican food. Although it would take a whole book to cover every aspect of Mexican places to visit, culture, traditions and symbols, we've tried our best to compile some greatest hits for you.

The Ria Blog
A Comprehensive Guide to Indian Culture - The Ria Blog

When we think about India, we often think of oil lamps, chicken curry, and probably the Taj Mahal. However, Indian history is so rich and ancient that these are just the tip of the iceberg. Today, we'll be sharing with you some fascinating Indian cultural facts that are bound to captivate your heart, mind, and stomach!

The Ria Blog
After the World Stood Still: Reimagining Life and Work Post COVID-19

Right now, our lives circle around statistics and predictions. Our brains are a mush of contagion percentages, logarithmic graphs, and mortality rates. As life in confinement becomes second nature, it's time to reimagine life and work post COVID-19. While we long for many aspects of our face-to-face lives, we're also growing accustomed to digital alternatives.

The Write Life
5 Quick Proofreading Tips That Have Massive Payoffs

Have you ever been afraid of editors thinking you haven't proofread your piece, even when you definitely have? Do you re-read your posts ad nauseam, only to still feel a sense of dread when sending your draft? Yeah, proofreading isn't fun. Writing comes with a creative payoff. gives you an authority edge.

4 Surprising Reasons Writers Fail

But what about the rest of us? The ones who want it bad enough and do have the guts to reach out and grab it? You could finish your novel, send in an article pitch, and still wind up with nothing to...

RISMedia\'s Housecall
Temporary Permanence: A Millennial Guide to Home Decorating

Whether we've decided to go to grad school, have moved to a different country or state for a job, or have simply left our family home for the first thing we could afford, we millennials are usually not living somewhere we expect to stay forever.

RISMedia\'s Housecall
Bookworms: Here's Where to Move if You Like to Read

It's a truth universally acknowledged that bibliophiles are big on bookstores and libraries. If you identify with this group and feel your current city is failing you in the reading department, here are some pointers as to where you might want to flee.

RISMedia\'s Housecall
Where to Move if You Want to Become Bilingual

As a certifiable bilingual who has spent years trying to become trilingual, I can vouch for the veracity of total immersion being the best language teacher. The one surefire way to pick up a language is to discard your training wheels (your mother tongue) as soon as you start.

Artículos - Español

Sobre la identidad hispanoamericana | ViceVersa

¿Qué significa ser hispanoamericano? Hablando conforme a los diccionarios, un hispanoamericano es una persona que proviene de un país americano que haya sido colonizado por España o sus gentes. Hablando coloquialmente, un hispanoamericano suele hablar bien alto, llegar tarde a todas partes y andar siempre sobrevestido en comparación con otros grupos étnicos.

En defensa de la literatura hispanoamericana | ViceVersa

Es una mala costumbre hispanoamericana poner por encima de nuestra propia lengua la lengua del negocio. Por ello leí Shakespeare antes de Cervantes, Hemingway antes de García Márquez y Sylvia Plath antes de Gabriela Mistral.

Una carta abierta a la jungla de concreto | ViceVersa

NUEVA YORK: Mi relación contigo ya tiene fecha de caducidad y sabrás por experiencia propia que cuando se sabe que una relación está por terminar uno se pone muy irritable, desesperado y sumamente contemplativo.