Frank Bures

Writer, Editor

United States

Frank Bures is a communications and storytelling professional with expertise in the travel and outdoor spaces. A journalist with experience crafting complex narratives for top magazines, his stories have been featured in the Best American Travel Writing, Best American Sports Writing, Best American Essays and won other awards.

Bures is available for consultation in the following areas:

Outdoors (Running, Canoeing, Bicycling)
Corporate Communications
Marketing Communications
Cross-Cultural Communications
Editorial and Narrative Strategy
Thought Leadership

He can be reached at [email protected]. More at


Corporate/Marketing Communications

Rotary International
Education on the Front Lines

In Nigeria, a university president and Rotary Club fight Boko Haram by educating and feeding victims

Poets & Writers
The Secret Lives of Stories: Rewriting Our Personal Narratives

Contributing editor Frank Bures recalls a meeting with the late poet Paul Gruchow during his formative years, a memory that sparks a personal investigation to better understand the stories we tell ourselves in an unconcious attempt to make sense of our lives.

Rotarians pledge to restore the monarch butterfly's disappearing habitat

In late 2019, just before the world shut down, my family flew from Minneapolis to Mexico City, then drove two hours west toward the city of Valle de Bravo. From there, we continued on to Santuario Piedra Herrada, a nature preserve situated in the forested mountains of central Mexico.