Elijah Sharrieff

Content Writer

United States

I am a professional health and wellness writer.

I write and research high quality SEO optimized health and wellness content.

I specialize in SEO optimized content.

My blog posts have reached the top 10 search results in google. What does this mean? Simple, more traffic to your business/site which means more clients/leads and revenue.

What I Do:

- Web content
- SEO optimized Blogs
- Articles
- White papers

CONTACT ME TODAY: [email protected]

Below are a few samples of my work.

Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Continuing Education
Cervical Health Awareness: 5 Undeniable Tips for Cervical Cancer Prevention

Elijah Sharrieff is the content writer for My Community Health Network. MYCHN is a full-service healthcare provider in Houston Texas, that provides accessible health care in multiple Houston Communities. Elijah specializes in blogs that educate patients on relevant topics such as: prenatal care, mental health, the importance of diet and exercise, and dental care.

The Ability Toolbox
Phone Anxiety: 6 Reasons ADHDers Hate Talking on the Phone

Your phone is ringing, you feel your stomach drop to your feet. Anxiety shoots through your body, you hurry to silence the ringer. Whew! Crisis averted. This is what phone anxiety with ADHD can feel like. Do you find yourself avoiding important phone calls because you dread phone calls?

Community Health Network
Whole Person Care - Community Health Network - Blog

A whole-person approach is a collaborative approach to treatment. It involves different health professionals coming together to treat a person holistically. They share information about a patient and work to create a treatment plan that includes the biological, social, spiritual, and mental health concerns the patient may have.