25before25 Articles
Launched a project to experience in 25 jobs in a year to promote alternative ways of working and to encourage young people to gain more work experience in a diverse range of sectors before making major decisions.
Since completing the 25before25 project, Emma works as a freelance journalist, author and speaker.
25before25 Articles
For fans of Tim Ferris's 4-Hour Work Week, Emma Gannon's The Multi-Hyphen Method and Otegha Uwagba's The Little Black Book, this is the careers book for millennials.
When you were seven and someone told you that being a video game designer was a ridiculous idea and wasn't a real job, you believed them and tried to forget about it.
Emma Rosen has embarked on the ultimate portfolio career. Her goal is to have worked in 25 jobs before she reaches 25. “After university I joined the UK Civil Service’s fast track,” she explains. “But four weeks in, I realised it wasn’t what I wanted to do.”
Planning a holiday in North Korea? I can tell you where to go. How to take the best wedding photos? Watch for crucial moments, like the funniest joke in the best man's speech. What happens on an archaeological excavation in Transylvania?
Ghost Writing
Received 2 million hits a day. Lewis Pugh took on a huge challenge by swimming the length of the Channel - around 330 miles (530km) - from Cornwall to Dover. The swim, which he completed within 50 days, is part of the worldwide Action for Oceans campaign, which calls on governments to fully protect at least 30% of the world's oceans by 2030.
Standing at the edge of a crater the size of an American football field that is leaking flaming gas, my old nemesis of vertigo was making himself known. Or was it just the smell of the methane fumes?
'ATM out of order.' 'Currency exchange closed.' 'Sorry, this bank has no cash.' This is what I was met with at Cochin International Airport, in India's southern state of Kerala. Every single bank, ATM and currency exchange had no money whats...
It's safe to say, that being a tour leader sounds like the best job in the world. I interviewed tour leader, Kim Owen, whilst in Colombia, on her tour around South America to find out what it's really like. It turns out that it is pretty great, but like any job, it is also far more nuanced than that.
Photo credit: Author's own Huddled around a fire in a yurt next to a nomadic tribe on the Kyrgyz steppe at 3,500m above sea level, I know I would never been able to be there without overlanding.
If there was one question that I went to Israel to answer, it was this. It is a question which has lurked at the back of my mind for several years and one which pushes me to consider and try to understand my identity, or rather, dual identities.
The city of Mérida is nestled high on a plateau in a valley that is edged by thick cloud. When I arrived, the whole city was engulfed in fog and the winds were high – a storm was brewing, both high above the city and on its streets, down below.
Lake Maracaibo is the largest in South America. This however, is not why it’s famous. That comes from the nightly lightning displays over the lake from storms in every direction.
I signed up to climb four of Morocco’s highest mountains in 48 hours. Mount Toubkal is the highest peak in North Africa, at 4,167m (13,671 ft), and the other three are only marginally smaller. To give you a sense of scale, the UK’s tallest mountain is 1,345m – roughly 30% of the size of Toubkal.
Sarah Outen MBE has been described as “obviously certifiably bonkers,” so I felt we clicked immediately. At 24, she had a bit of a different year to me, rowing from Australia to Mauritius - the first woman and youngest person ever to row solo across the Indian Ocean. This launched her career as an adventurer, author and speaker. She began her second expedition not long after, London2London: Via the World. Sarah looped the globe by woman-power alone, via rowing boat, bike and kayak –25,000...
A black frog the size of my thumbnail hopped onto my boot; it exists only at the summit of this single mountain. Roraima Tepui has stood isolated for two billion years, a slab of standstone rock protruding for nearly 10,000ft from sea level and over 7,000ft from the savannah below.
Angel Falls is hard to get to. Canaima Camp, the last settlement on the journey to the world’s tallest waterfall, is on the banks of a lagoon, deep in an area of the jungle that is only accessible by chartered plane from the nearest city, several hundred kilometres away.
Education and Careers News
After leaving university, I was fortunate enough to know exactly what I wanted to do. I also had a job offer to boot. However, after merely a year, I chose to leave my four-year graduate scheme. I have now launched my own project.
What would it be like if we were all fulfilled in our careers? I hope that many readers are happy and feel fulfilled in their working life. I assume that a significant proportion genuinely are.
We want it all and we have been raised to expect it all. Except our expectations are dramatically failing to match up to the reality of a post-recession world. Job stability was the Holy Grail of our parents' generation, and with that came the benefits of financial security, home ownership and a relatively affordable cost of living.
Angela Rayner, Shadow Secretary of State for Education, said that agencies have got schools "over a barrel". "Teachers are leaving the profession in droves and school leaders are being forced to try and fill the gap with agency supply teachers," she said.
Your idea is no longer hypothetical; you might have done the planning and could be testing it. More than this, you might have a small team and be about to launch your product, or even have already launched and are looking to grow.
A "shy and reserved" schoolgirl has convinced the Institute of Digital Archaeology (IDA) to display its reconstructed Arch of Palmyra in her small hometown after featuring at exhibitions in London and New York.
The University Technical Colleges (UTCs) programme is a failure, the former Education Secretary Michael Gove has admitted. Gove's confession comes after the seventh UTC closed in Oldham, after none of its students received a grade C or above in their GCSE exams. UTCs were one of Mr Gove's flagship policies, and launched in 2010 as part of the free school project.
Known as the Free Speech University Ranking (FSUR), the survey shows that universities now severely restricting speech, coded as red, has risen by nearly 10 percent in a year, up from 55 percent in 2016.
He said that last year, across all UTCs, we had 1,292 leavers at 18, only five of whom became "neets" - that is, unemployed and not in any further education. Lord Baker added that 44 per cent went to university - compared to a national average of 38 per cent- while 29 per cent became apprentices, while the national average is 8.4 per cent.
Edinburgh has moved up to 18th place from 33rd, Manchester rises 13 places to 23rd, while Glasgow is in 34th place, Coventry 39th and Nottingham 43rd. Just outside the top 50 are Birmingham in 55th place and Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 56th.
Radio and Podcasts
Emma Kennedy finds out why so many people in Britain hate their jobs.
Zen investment banking, "reverse retirement", and doing 25 jobs before you're 25
Do you love your job? What are the ingredients of a satisfying career? And why are we picky about our partners but content to settle for unsatisfactory careers? These are some of the questions Emma Rosen contemplates en route to the highest point in Haringey, the roundabout at the top of North Hill (129m).
How do you find out what you want to be when you grow up? Emma Rosen's parents asked her every year at New Year in a kind of social experiment. The recordings of those conversations became a useful source of inspiration when she found, after rotating on the graduate scheme on the Civil Service Fast ...
World News
The Trump campaign has been marked by nontraditional methods of persuading the population to vote for the Republican candidate, with obviously phenomenal success. At every turn, The Donald has seemed to defy expectations and scandal has seemed to slide off, where for every other American politician, it has stuck.
The halt on Donald Trump's executive order banning people travelling from seven Muslim-majority countries has been upheld by the San Francisco court of appeals. The court unanimously ruled that there was not enough evidence of threat to national security to justify the ban.
However, it appears unlikely that Lasso will have the opportunity to fulfill his pledge, as he is trailing seven points behind Lenín Moreno, the ruling Country Alliance party's candidate. The first round of voting is due to take place on February 19, and candidates require at least 40 per cent of the vote, with a 10 per cent margin to win at the first round.
Mississippi is planning to introduce executions by firing squad, electrocution and gas chamber because of a shortage of the drugs the US state normally uses. A bill proposing the death penalty can be carried out using the less conventional methods was passed in Mississippi's House of Representatives on Wednesday.
Six tornadoes hit New Orleans and the wider south Louisiana area on Tuesday, injuring around 40 people, destroying homes and leaving 16,000 buildings without power. Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has declared a state of emergency, and deployed State Police and the Louisiana National Guard to support the New Orleans police.
Dutch police have found enough raw materials to make more than one billion ecstasy pills in a truck close to the Belgium border on Thursday. The truck reportedly contained 100 bottles of hydrogen gas, 15 tons of caustic soda and 3,000 litres of other chemicals.
The instrumental version of the tune was being played as one of a repertoire of 33 songs on the town hall's mechanical glockenspiel. The mechanical instrument plays the melodies several times a day and includes other songs such as Silent Night and other German folk songs.
A snake that had swallowed a tennis ball had to have the item massaged out of its gut by a vet, after it was found by a snake catcher in Townsville, Australia. The 1.5m carpet python was taken to a local vet surgery on Monday by local snake handler, Brian West.
Aimee Bateman of https://www.careercake.com talks to Emma Rosen, founder and blogger at https://www.25before25.co.uk. Following her own search for career fulfilment, Emma explored 25 careers in one year through work experience and shadowing. In this interview she discusses why she wanted to take this challenge and how things played out.
Meet the two twentysomethings revolutionising how children learn languages through the power of storytelling and their unique Clockwork Methodology. One Third Stories Words: Emma Rosen (25 Before 25) Images: One Third Stories 'nce upon a time, there was a little boy called Jonny. He was very excited because it was time for his first ever French lesson.
I met Josh Taylor in an Afghan restaurant. We broke the ice over a 'couple's selection' of charcoal grilled meat, dhal and some obligatory naan. We share a passion for Central and South Asia, having met the year before in Kyrgyzstan, as you do.
It rains a lot in the Carpathian Mountains. You can see the storm clouds roll over the top of the hills, threatening any fair-weather archaeologists in the valley where Sarmisegetuza is nestled, far below. Unfortunately, on several occasions I was part of that group of fair-weather archaeologists.
Where machine learning meets travel; The Untold Journal spoke to Tom Charman, who co-founded the app that wants to uncover the world. ave you ever visited a city and wanted to go beyond the major landmarks and tourist traps, but not known where to start?
Ducking out of a packed Baker Street station in the middle of the school holidays, I headed towards Madame Tussauds and even more children. Luckily I was able to sneak around the back - I had been invited to interview George Paige, a Magic Maker for Merlin Entertainments.
Social Media and Trending News
A gust of wind briefly disrupted Donald Trump's meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau yesterday, as the two leaders entered the White House. For a split second, the new U.S. President's hair was blown out of place to reveal what some have described as a fake tan line on the leader's forehead.
Despite the current average detached property value being £1,788,081 in Chelsea, the average price per square foot is £1,717, making the Britten Street house especially high in value. The pint-size pad has a 166 sq ft ground floor reception room which acts as a living and dining room, with a small kitchen and downstairs shower room.
The legendary Nirvana frontman's Hagstrom Blue Sparkle Deluxe guitar is available to buy on auction website eBay, with a portion of proceeds going to charity. Kurt Cobain owned the antique Hagstrom from 1992 until his death in 1994. Following this, Courtney Love gave it to close friend of Cobain's, who allegedly was also a member of a Seattle-based grunge group.
A local Icelandic news website has started live streaming the exploits of four nine-week old kittens. The show, Keeping Up with the Kattarshians, is run in partnership with a cat shelter, to promote the adoption of stray cats. The kittens were found, along with their mother, in a car park in Reykjavik.