Listen To the Evidence Based Curricula Interview Series - NYCAASA
Bringing in the Bystander: Provider Interview
Combination of creative and professional work.
Employed at Womankind, a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating gender-based violence.
BA in English and Creative Writing. Interested in editing, writing, and non-profit work.
Intelligent, passionate, talented, organized. Difficult to summarize.
[email protected]
Bringing in the Bystander: Provider Interview
Project development, management and UX design for 2020 Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Creative work is not mine.
Article about local event chronicling environmental activism in Brooklyn, and related issues
Poem in up-and-coming literary magazine
Official company statement on 2018 changes to Title IX and subsequent effects on students, as well as interactive comment guide distributed nationally.
Academic paper published in esteemed international undergraduate research journal
Article in student-run undergraduate newspaper
Article in student-run undergraduate newspaper