Sherry Glickman (formerly Knecht) is a seasoned writer and editor with special expertise in healthcare communications. Between 2003 and 2016, she served as primary writer and editor for Columbia University Department of Surgery, where she wrote for both physician and lay audiences. Now she edits clinical content for physicians and surgeons in her role at MDReview, and helps several Colorado nonprofits with their publications and web sites. She loves helping others to communicate their ideas, whether in full-length books, blogs, or anything in between. Contact Sherry at: [email protected] or 720.383.2124
Writer, MDReview's case studies. Each case study offers insight and learning across of variety of issues related to peer review.
Dr. James Hill and Dr. Holly Wyatt have had a taste of Hollywood lately. They're at the Wellness Center at CU's Anschutz Medical campus and they've been overseeing the upcoming season of ABC's show "Extreme Weight Loss," which was filmed in Colorado.
You know how it is. You probably have passed a billboard reminding you that March is colorectal cancer awareness month. And next month is national sprained ankle month, or whatever it is. Roll your eyes and move on, right?
Managing Editor, 2003 to 2016.
Four children in New York will get to grow up with their mother, thanks to the compassion of an altruistic liver donor from Wisconsin, the living donor liver transplant team at NYP/Columbia, and their matchmaker.
Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can increase the risk not only of breast cancer, but pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, and more.
Fascinating episodes in the history of medicine, presented as a series in the Columbia Surgery blog.