Press Releases (2022-2023)
My name is Elrica Gosiengfiao Santos, but you can call me El. I'm currently working as Strategic Planner (formerly Associate Creative Director) for Evident, a local PR and integrated marketing firm in the Philippines.
This is my long-form writing portfolio. If you want to see my advertising/copywriting work, please visit my Behance profile at:
I'm currently open to project-based/freelance writing work. If want to get in touch, please contact me via LinkedIn or by emailing me at [email protected].
Press Releases (2022-2023)
Last April 15, Technical Fashion Design House, SNK ATK (pronounced 'Sneak Attack') launched their fourth mainline clothing collection entitled "Dark Days" alongside its functionality as "phygital" wearables - making the physical clothing wearable in the metaverse through a partnership with virtual fashion platform DressX.
SNK ATK (pronounced 'Sneak Attack') released the MYTHOS Pack on February 3, 2023 on their website and at select Bratpack branches. The MYTHOS Pack includes three (3) shirts featuring illustrations of creatures from Asian culture and myths: the Dragon, the Tiger, and the Kirin. The pack pays homage to previous releases by SNK ATK, which...
Company Blog Posts (2020-2022)
From the beginning, Evident has always been an inclusive, woman-led company. As of March 2022, 31 of our 46 employees are women, with 10 women leaders with direct reports. From our CEO and co-founder Cecile Dominguez-Yujuico to the rest of our MANCOM, our organization is led by women who strive to build and sustain our diverse culture.
Picking up hobbies during quarantine helped us discover a new sense of purpose, among other benefits.
How have the Evident Moms been balancing work and home life while in quarantine?
Online Articles (2021)
Christmas is an important time of the year for every Filipino family. That's why many of us start preparing for the holiday season as soon as the -ber months begin! The pandemic has definitely changed the way we plan our holiday celebrations, but it shouldn't stop the Christmas cheer.
Environmental Health Month is all about keeping our environment clean and healthy, so that we can stay healthy too! Living in a community that has large, open spaces with lots of greenery offers many health benefits that can help you and your family live longer and happier.
Having a home to call your own is a dream that many Filipinos have. Whether this was your goal when you started your career as an OFW or not, real estate is a worthy goal and sound investment, especially if you have a family in the Philippines.
If you've been thinking about buying a new home for your family, you've likely come across the terms "pre-selling" and "ready-for-occupancy" (RFO). When you opt for a pre-selling unit, you pay for it even before it's even constructed. When you opt for an RFO unit, you're paying for a house or apartment that's already finished.
Narra Park Residences offers not just high quality and well-designed homes. Here, you can find a great community that looks out for one another. To create and maintain this kind of community, it's important for all residents to do their part as a good neighbor.
Feature Writing (2019)
When you go to Osaka, there is one thing that you absolutely must do: EAT. The real reason Osaka became known as "Japan's Kitchen" was that it was the central port area where goods were distributed for export and local sale, but the variety of delicious food the city has to offer has redefined the meaning of the title over the decades.
"What kind of person has hair black as coal, lips red as blood, skin as white as snow, gets to lie in a coffin for a year, get up, and they're fine again?" The cover for Snow, Glass, Apples, written by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Colleen Doran.
" Cyberpunk is now," goes the popular adage. Just one look at the long list of recent works in the cyberpunk genre is enough proof. We had Blade Runner 2049 and Ghost in the Shell in 2017, Ready Player One and Altered Carbon in 2018, and Alita: Battle Angel in 2019.
I still remember my first time. It was just me and four of my best girl friends, sitting in a living room with all the lights dimmed.
Ah, 1999. What a time that was to be an impressionable teen! The year was hailed by many critics as one of the greatest in movies, and just skimming the titles that came out that year is proof enough.
It has been nearly twenty years since Wong Kar-wai's In the Mood for Love was released, and three years since I saw it for the first time. Having never seen a Wong Kar-wai film in my life, I had no idea what to expect.
Have you ever heard of the pugot mamu? Aswang, Manananggal, Kapre, Tikbalang, and Duwende have been stealing the spotlight from the scariest creatures in Filipino folklore for far too long. This Halloween, be on the lookout for these five creatures that you never knew existed in our rich treasure trove of mythical creatures.
For most new Magic: The Gathering players, pre-release events can be good opportunities to get a first taste of competitive play. The competitive environment of MTG tournaments can be nerve-wracking for newbies, but pre-release events are meant to be smaller and more beginner-friendly. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Magic: The Gathering ...
Fact Sheets (2019)
Discrimination against women in the workplace is a persistent structural and social issue that can start as early as the hiring process. This gender-based discrimination results in lost opportunities for women and global losses in wealth, especially in East Asia and the Pacific.
Video Content (2013)
Company Blog Posts (2013-2014)
This year's Academy Awards had its fair share of memorable moments, but for the people at Big Mama's and Papa's Pizzeria, there was probably nothing more memorable than Ellen DeGeneres ordering their pizzas for the hungry Oscar stars.
Ecommerce websites run into a lot of content problems, especially when it comes to their product pages. A single website can host thousands of product pages, and this makes it prone to content issues such as thin content and duplicate content.
Despite the mostly negative feedback they received, Yahoo’s logo redesign offers us a lot of lessons about rebranding.
Writing microcopy requires more effort than you might realize. Here are a few tips to help you or your copywriters create better, more user-friendly microcopy.
Adding Instagram and Pinterest to your online marketing campaigns gives you the chance to collaborate with your audience and get creative.
The focus of online marketing has shifted from creating content solely for search engines and their algorithms to producing digital content that appeals to human beings. All aspects of your online campaign, even your video advertising, should appeal to your viewers’ emotions.
Fiction and marketing content may be different forms of writing, but learning to write fiction is necessary to become an effective content marketer.
A survey about influence marketing among marketing and PR professionals conducted in February 2013 revealed that 55% of those that used social scoring platforms found them ineffective at identifying influencers.
Press Releases (2010-2011) Launches Rift Database, releases the Rift database, the newest addition to their extensive game database network. Rift Database Announced, set to release a new database for Trion World's upcoming MMO. Launches WoW Forum Archives, provides WoW players with a way to revisit the old WoW forums. Makes Major Updates to the First Complete FFXIV Database,'s FFXIV database now includes the most up-to-date FFXIV information and customizable tools for FFXIV fansite owners. Announces First Complete FFXIV Database, prepares to launch the internet's first complete database for Square-Enix's latest title.