Dixi Wellman


United States

🙏Christ. 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼Kids. 🐂 Cattle. 🐕 Cuddly dogs. ☕️Coffee. 🏌🏽And a cute hubby!

By day, I dance backwards in high heels at a corporate job. By mornings, evenings, and weekends I’m a Nebraska rancHER raising Wagyu cattle. In my spare time, I also run a nonprofit that puts local Nebraska beef on 2,138 school kids’ lunch plates. I love sharing my passion for small town Nebraska, agriculture, rural living, small business owners, and servant leadership by writing for Midwest Messenger. I. Am. Blessed.

Thankful for my sisters in agriculture

"I always return from this event feeling recharged, not so isolated, understood, encouraged and inspired! We laugh, we love, we cry and we learn."