Courtney Bertrand



Can't find the right words? I can help.

I create engaging, impactful copy for e-commerce and personal brands.

With a degree in Psychology, I understand how people think and behave, which helps me craft copy that resonates with your target market.

Below are select samples of my work.

References and more samples are available upon request.

Let's connect: [email protected]



Email Newsletters

Direct response email for life coaching services, vegan fitness coaching, and a newsletter for a counseling clinic.

Social Media Posts/Blogs

B2B Article
Mastering Inbound and Outbound Marketing: Driving Business Growth in 2023

How can businesses generate more revenue and increase sales in the dynamic landscape of 2023? This is the burning question on every business leader's mind today. The answer lies in striking a balance between inbound and outbound marketing strategies. In order to effectively reach sales targets amidst competing objectives, understanding the key differences between these two approaches is crucial. Both inbound and outbound strategies play pivotal roles in business growth. Inbound marketing...

Mental Health Blog Post
Does Relaxing Stress You Out?

Do you ever long for a moment of relief where you can switch off your anxiety, and relax? A time when you can let go of the weight on your shoulders, unwind, and find peace in relaxation? It seems like a simple desire, but for many individuals, the act of relaxing can be unexpectedly anxiety-inducing. Instead of experiencing relief and tranquility, the attempt to unwind becomes a source of stress and unease.