Carla Thurmanita

English Translator and Content Writer


I listen, I read, then I write.
Music and literature enthusiast-
A words-worshipper.




BINUS National English Competition 2016

"5 years ago, the routine was fine but something’s different with the library. The library was more hushed, and the temperature was lower than usual. Its atmosphere creeped me out. I told Remedy I didn’t like it there, but he told me it’s all fine. He didn’t want to fail our routine. So we just did what we always did in the library. But I’m telling you Matt, there was something different-" A short story participated in BINUS NEC 2016, fiction writing category. This shorty story went through...

Published Articles

Arti Reformasi Bagi Anak Muda Bangsa 20 Tahun Setelah Kelahirannya

[Focus] Memperingati 20 tahun lahirnya reformasi, kami bertanya kepada 20 anak muda yang lahir setelah reformasi untuk mengetahui apakah mereka masih mengenal tentang sejarah reformasi dan harapan mereka terhadap masa depan bangsa Indonesia.