Hannah O'Neill

SEO Copywriter Specialising In Business, Marketing & Lifestyle Topics

United Kingdom

Hannah O'Neill is a creative and skilled copywriter, with a keen interest in everything to do with business and marketing. Working as a content marketer by day, she also freelances, offering clients informative and engaging content.

Having contributed to publications such as Pzazz Mag and Occhi Magazine, Hannah is looking to expand her connections and client base.



Business & Marketing

Private Client
How Long Should A Blog Post Be?

In this guide, we'll talk about the changing trends of blogging, why long blog posts are better and the best content writing practices.

AI Is Taking Over Digital Marketing...Isn't It?

Remember when computers threatened to destroy the life of every office worker? Neither do I. I was too young then, but in the 1950s and 1960s, forward-thinking businesses began to invest in the new-fangled form of technology.

4 Essential Succession Planning Tools

Most organisations rely on various tools and strategies to effectively implement succession planning—but which tools are best? Find out in our complete guide.

Zapp Sites
Are Web Design Agencies Losing Their Market? | Zapp Sites

Are Web Design Agencies Losing Their Market? Why Shaking Up the Industry is the Only Way to Save All of Us Is the future of the web design industry in jeopardy? With so many DIY website builders around, it's easy to see why people might assume that freelance web designers or agencies are struggling.

Zapp Sites
The Beginners Guide to Owning a Successful Online Business | Zapp Sites

In today's modern society, business owners have to deal with a lot of competition. The internet has made it easier than ever to start a company, but even more difficult to sustain as one. If a business doesn't have a strong online presence, then you'll struggle to make an impact.

Zapp Sites
10 Shocking Website Designs That Will Make You Cringe | Zapp Sites

Have you ever visited a website and immediately liked the company because the site was attractive? It's a fact that first impressions matter and most designers dream of creating a site that other people aspire to. But what surprises me most, is the ones that seem to go out of their way to build the worst websites imaginable.

Zapp Sites
The Top 10 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs | Zapp Sites

We all dream of having the freedom to define our destiny, don't we? While remote working is gaining popularity, some people want to build their own business. But do they have the traits of successful entrepreneurs?


Old B*tches Still Bark A homage to Joan Crawford

A beautiful woman begins to walk up the stairs. She turns around and says "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night!" I turned to my mother and said: "Who is that woman?" "Bette Davis" she replied. "The First Lady of Hollywood." From that moment on I was an official fan.


Private Client
Factory Farming: It’s Bad for Everyone Involved

There are many issues we’re facing in this modern society, but we often overlook the factory farming of animals and the problems it causes. However, factory farming is not only cruel, but it’s also a contributor to global pandemics and climate change.