Oak Frame Garages | Bespoke Garages And Outbuildings
From single storey frames to garages with rooms above, click to discover the amazing possibilities for your bespoke oak frame garages here at Oakwrights.
From single storey frames to garages with rooms above, click to discover the amazing possibilities for your bespoke oak frame garages here at Oakwrights.
Keep your fuel safe and sound while on the move. Our fuel trailers are a reliable solution for a variety of applications. Read more about our products here.
Margery was a stubborn woman, but not without reason. She spends her days sitting on uncomfortable ground, sweating over tiny cooking pots and trying to make the best meal she can with the small amounts of food she has. Everyone is thankful, no one complains, but she knows she can do better.
Whether you're feeling adventurous or whipping up a classic, Stellar's baking range has all you need to create the perfect bake. Click to browse our range.
Employees can drive change throughout your business and make sustainability a priority. Read our post to find out how Ignite improves employee engagement.
Not everyone is comfortable with standing in front of large numbers of people and delivering a presentation in the spotlight. It can be a nerve wracking experience. But trust us, presentations become easier over time, and after reading our guide to delivering a good presentation you'll feel more equipped.
Chloe's 'going it alone' entry, was a diary entry of her first day at work, compared to work a year later. It's well-written, funny and relatable. It shows how much we grow in just a year! Chloe won our Most Accomplished Storyteller.
When it comes to SEO, it's not a case of one size fits all. To appear on the first page of search results, you need to look at your industry, your audience, your competitors - you need your own, personalised strategy.
The last few months of this year may leave some of us feeling even more overwhelmed than usual, both mentally and physically. With darker days and the crisp colder weather, keeping ourselves fit and healthy is vital. How can we look after ourselves during this time?
This is a guest blog by Chloe Price. She is a creative writing student and a feminist who wants to write a novel. She likes reading, baking and will one day travel the world When starting university, students should expect nothing less than a safe environment where they can enjoy themselves without having to worry about being groped or being subject to sexist 'banter'.
The Delta PT 3mm Mesh Membrane is a clear-meshed membrane designed to protect against damp contaminated walls above ground. Used as part of a damp proofing system, this high-quality membrane achieves a dry finish without affecting any decoration. The mesh provides a good key to allow for plastering direct to the membrane.
Rome is a city that certainly deserves its reputation - walking along the cobbled streets, you can't help but feel the history coming alive around you and its thriving culture blowing you away every time. Many writers have been captivated by the Eternal City, as suggested by its frequent appearance in many fantastic books.
You've spent the past three or so years working hard (and partying harder) and have finally got your degree. You've thrown your mortarboard in the air and said your goodbyes to the lecture halls, the student union bar, and the student flat you called home.
Chloe Price As musicals such as Hamilton show, you can base a musical on pretty much anything. A countless number of books have been adapted for stages all over the world, yet there are still plenty that deserve the same treatment. This list is only a small portion of those stories.
It's a well-known fact that bookworms can read pretty much anywhere, but when it comes to a serious reading session, the best place to settle down is your cosy reading nook. Student accommodation is often small and, depending on how many you live with, quite crowded in parts of the house.
I love the theatre, and if you're reading this, I know you do too. Well, as you are already aware, theatres throughout the country are struggling to survive. But yet, the government does not seem interested in saving this beautiful art form. What with the release of the 'Fatima' job ad and Rishi Sunak's comments...