Ben Winters

Inspired student looking for fast-paced, creative experience.

New York, USA



Survivor's Remorse

It's always been a thought in my head while watching sports. Whether it was draft night or the NBA Finals, how must it feel for these 18, 19, and 20 year olds to know their lives have changed forever after one simple calling of their name?

Wild ending in Tallahassee

With a conversion on 4th and 18 with 1:11 to go, Everett Golson began a potentially historic final drive for the storied Notre Dame football team. After going three and out and getting ambushed by the FSU defense, a connection with Cory Robinson (NBA Legend David Robinson's son) and scrambling, they were left at 3rd and goal with 21 seconds left.

Second Round Pick
In the current state of baseball, we need another Jeter.

On all accounts, baseball is going through quite the drought of popularity. On sports blogs, radio, and ESPN, its presence has been notably decreasing. Although the actual rate of ticket sales and attendance for an historic venue like Yankee Stadium won't waver too much, one of the best barometers of widespread success, TV ratings, indicate that people are truly getting bored.

Second Round Pick
Gut Reaction: Roger Goodell Press Conference

At 3 PM on Friday, September 19th, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell held a press conference in order to respond to questions about the Ray Rice scandal and the fragile state of the NFL. As sort of expected, he just dodged nearly every single question aked and made little sense.

Second Round Pick
In the Ray Rice scandal, everybody must go.

On February 15, Ray Rice and his then-fiancee, Janay Palmer, got into an altercation in the elevator of an Atlantic City casino. Only four days later, a video was released by TMZ containing Rice, a now possibly former all-pro running back for the Baltimore Ravens, dragging a seemingly unconscious Palmer out of said elevator.


Red Elephant, Inc.
Client Happiness Program

Sample program that I designed for my internship in the Summer of 2013.

The State Times

Obama Weighs in on Net Neutrality | The State Times

Ben Winters, Staff Writer Since it's inception, the Internet has been a place where innovation is welcomed and where companies have equal opportunity for success. The end of net neutrality could mean companies with more monetary clout could control the playing field, an issue many other industries have faced.

The State Times
'Never Forget'

On the morning of September 11, 2001 at 8:46 a.m., the first hijacked plane hit the Twin Towers in the most heinous terrorist attack our country has ever seen. In years past and since, that morning has always warranted contemplation and a moment of silence. A discussion. A collective sigh.

Ello, The Push that Facebook Needs | The State Times

Introduced in 2004, Facebook has taken the world by storm and it certainly has spent a long time at the top of the social network food chain. But with the introduction of its new platforms, invasive ads, limiting and tracking of organic posts and privacy scares, some people are fed up with it.

The Latest Tech Trend Is... Imitation? | The State Times

In 2007, we were introduced to the first iPhone, one of the most revolutionary pieces of technology that can be held in our hand. Since then, many huge trends in smartphone technology have been new and exhilarating. They were never-before-seen advancements with exciting differences, leaving the consumer to a number of huge decisions: smaller screen or bigger?

The State Times
Roger Goodell Drops The Ball

Ben Winters, Staff Writer On February 15, Ray Rice and his then-fiancee, Janay Palmer, got into an altercation in the elevator of an Atlantic City casino. Only four days later, a video was released by TMZ containing Rice, now a former all-pro running back for the Baltimore Ravens, dragging a seemingly unconscious Palmer out of said elevator.

The State Times
Apple moves in a new direction

Ben Winters, Staff Writer On September 9, in The Flint Center in Cupertino, California, the world watched as Apple C.E.O. Tim Cook continued to define his tenure as the second face of the iconic brand in the very same auditorium Steve Jobs introduced the original Macintosh.

The State Times
Supreme Court Hears Ohio Case

On April 22, an Ohio law that criminalizes misinformation in political campaigns was brought to the Supreme Court. In 2010, Democrat Steve Driehaus ran for re-election in Ohio for a seat in the House of Representatives. During the campaign, the Susan B.

The State Times
The Revolutionary Technology of Google Glass

On Tuesday, April 15 at 9 a.m., Google put their revolutionary wearable technology, Google Glass, on sale to the public for the first time. Until now, the only way to get ahold of these new tech-glasses was by applying for them through the developers.

The State Times
Hearing the future: hearing aids with sex appeal

Technology News Ben Winters Staff Writer Since it was first invented in 1898, the electronic hearing aid has always had a negative stigma attached. They're unsightly, too big and only come in that dreaded nude color all too often used in the health industry.

The State Times
Hillside Commons: New housing opportunities for students

Each year students are faced with the decision to live on campus or off. The prospect of making this decision can be overwhelming, with the college urging students to stay on campus, while companies like Peter Clark Rentals and Rental Company One trying to entice students to live off campus through promises of more freedom.

The State Times
Say farewell to the Arrow Sheet

Campus News Ben Winters Staff Writer Freshman year, SUNY Oneonta students are confronted with the challenge of interpreting their Arrow Sheets for the first time. The aesthetically outdated system lists students' gen-ed and major requirements, acting as a checklist of sorts for graduation.

The State TImes
Dumbing us down

Ben Winters, Staff Writer As people get busier and busier with every new technological development, the way people stay informed is also changing. To put things in perspective, surveys have found that 16 percent of American adults use twitter and of those, 52 percent use it as a main news source, reducing news stories to 140 characters or less.

The State Times
The State of Cable

Ben Winters- Staff Writer Over the last year or so, shows like Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead and House of Cards have enjoyed a loyal, vocal and widespread following. What do these shows have in common? They are available for immediate, cheap and convenient consumption by services like Netflix, HBO GO, and Hulu.

The State Times
Stop the frisking

Ben Winters, Staff Writer On September 1, 1971, a law went into effect that allowed policemen in New York City to "stop-and-frisk" people they deem suspicious. This was based off the Supreme Court Case Terry v. Ohio of 1968, which set a legal basis for police officers to stop, question and frisk citizens, calling the stops "Terry-stops."

The State Times
Battle of the smartphones

Technology News Ben Winters Staff Writer In the era of constantly developing technology, sometimes it is hard to keep up. As advanced as modern technology is, hackers are always a step ahead. Wire-tapping, NSA scandals and the Edward Snowden whistleblowing ordeal have all contributed to the general public's panic over privacy.

The State Times
The trouble with tagging

Ben Winters, Staff Writer Everyone has seen a movie where the governmental agency is trying to identify the criminal: they pull up security footage, zoom in thirty times, run it through a super-computer and after it scrolls through a million names per second, the picture comes up with all that person's information.

The State Times
Anonymity: Is it worth it for confessions?

Ben Winters- Staff Writer "Is it to much to ask for competent professors? Seriously, I pay how much for my education, the least that could happen is we get teacher who at least know what they are doing." Where could these misspelled and grammatically incorrect words have come from?

The State Times
Bridging the gap with Professor Oscar Oberkircher

Campus News Ben Winters, Contributing writer Mr. Oberkircher: "How are you, Ben?" Me: "Fantastic. How are you?" Mr. Oberkircher: "Me too. Why are we fantastic? Because we choose to be." Mr. Oscar Oberkircher is the Director of the Foodservice and Restaurant Administration Major as well as the Event Planning Minor here at SUNY Oneonta.

The State Times
Innovative Fold-Up Car

Ben Winters, Staff Writer The Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology has led development on a smartcar they call the "Armadillo T" that takes the meaning of "smartcar" to a whole new level. It has everything you would expect from a mini electric car: two seats, compact size, compact wheels and it's entirely powered by an electric charge.

The State TImes
The ever-changing world of internships

National News Staff Writer Ben Winters Internships, while an integral part of today's educational process, have a certain stigma attached to them. For many, the word "internship" means being unpaid, getting coffee, filing papers and maybe, if you're lucky, answering phones. Regardless, everyone still wants a position.

The State Times
Apple products arrive just in time for fall

Ben Winters, Contributing Writer Every year, Apple excites the media and the public with the announcement that they will host an event to show or offer a new product. They are quiet, silent, in fact, about what the event will reveal, with no specific information about what is in store for the new iPhone.

The State TImes
Glee tackles love instead of hate in Season 5 premiere

After the unexpected death of Cory Monteith this July, questions arose about the future of "Glee." Monteith's character, Finn, was the lovable quarterback who could play drums, sing and always lead the New Directions to victory despite great adversity.

The State Times
Bitcoin: Explained

World News Ben Winters Staff Writer Although it's been around for nearly four years, very few know what Bitcoin actually is. Although no simple answer is entirely sufficient, it is a relatively new digital currency that is entirely dependent on its users. The value is ever-changing, based on how much is produced, which is up to its users.