Benjamin Semah

Technical Writer


The freeCodeCamp Publication
Technical Articles for the freeCodeCamp Publication

These are the technical articles I've published on, one of the largest tech publications online. For freeCodeCamp, I write mainly on JavaScript and its frameworks, such as React and Node.js, and other web development topics.
The JavaScript DOM Manipulation Handbook

This handbook teaches web developers how to work with the JavaScript DOM. It covers topics like selecting DOM element, changing their content and style, etc. And also includes sections on advanced concepts like traversing the DOM, events, and more.

The OpenReplay Blog
Technical Articles for OpenReplay

The Open Replay Blog is one of the popular online resource for frontend developers. The articles I've contributed to the blog addresses the technical challenges frontend developers face in their work. And offers more effective ways of handling or dealing with these challenges.

Personal blog
TypeScript Tutorials

This is a series of blog posts focused on TypeScript. These tutorials explain key concepts and help readers gain a solid understanding of TypeScript.

On Hashnode
Personal Blog

Tutorials, project walkthroughs, and thought pieces on becoming a better developer.