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I tell stories through words and photos
Years of writing and copy editing experience
-Trained researcher with a Masters of Science in Information and Library Science
-Trained in creating, publishing, and promoting digital content with a Master of Science in Publishing: Digital and Print.
-Published 15 books through Aubey LLC
Email: [email protected]
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Website Copy Writing and Editing
Book Publisher and Researcher. Helping writers find readers. Unlike some book publishing companies, we help authors who feel ignored.
Author of diverse fantasy and horror books. Photographing my epic quest toward that natural treasure. Telling stories through words and images.
Research Articles
Certain locations scream possessed by ghosts. Old cemeteries and abandoned asylums. Eastern State Penitentiary clearly looks like a haunted prison. Do the ghosts of past prisoners still roam the halls? Eastern State Penitentiary is said to be one of the of most haunted places in America. It's no wonder.
Spirits still roam the Winchester House forever working on "the house that fear built." Ghostly footsteps, loud sighs and dark figures are a few tales surrounding one of the most haunted places in America. The Winchester Mystery House has inspired stories like Rose Red and episodes on the anime Ghost Hunt.
I have been dreaming of doing some winter hiking. Can you imagine how pretty this scene will be covered in snow? Or this landscape? I'd been reading up on winter hiking clothes but I got a wake up call on a walking trip through the park.
You're ready to publish your book. You've heard about all the digital book publishing platform available. You've read recommendations, but you still don't know which one to use. I published my first book on Amazon in 2013. Between releasing 13 books and getting a Masters in Publishing from NYU, I've either used or researched a number of digital publishers.
Enough. They couldn't put me in their box so they ignore me. They criticized when they decided to notice me. They said it was for my own good. But, they didn't see me. Then they...No. No. Don't think about it. I never thought it would work. I always heard stories of the impundulu.
Writing and Publishing Guides for Author
Last week, we talked about creating magic systems. Today, we're going over questions to answer as you're creating a fictional world. We're talking countries, cities and towns. In fantasy, most stories have a monarchy. I'll admit, I'm more of a non-tradition fantasy sort of person.
Often novel writing, especially with fantasy books, is about using a setting you can't see. Some people are fortunate enough to plan a trip for their novels. I've never been that fortunate. I have traveled a lot, though.
It would be nice if I could hire a designer to create character and land artwork. But, I can't. I don't have the funds for it. The next best things would be an infographic. I created this to introduce some of my characters. I was actually surprised how popular this was.
Hiking and Nature Photography
Outside of autumn, winter landscape photography is probably my favorite. Living in NY taught to me thoroughly dislike the snow, at first Now, I like it because it makes the landscape extra photogenic. I mentioned in the post Battling a Storm to Get Some Incredible Nature Photos that I've made a habit of going on during and after snowstorms to take photos.
You've searched Google for a hiking trail near you. You're looking for something you can do in one day. Depending on where you live, you may come across a few city parks or maybe some mountain trails. New York is interesting. When most people think of it, they may picture tall buildings, a boisterous city and crowds.
Ever see beautiful hiking photos of enormous waterfalls? Photos from the top of a mountain. People often walked miles to reach those scenes. How can you capture dream-like images on your next hiking trip? My $200 lens hangs off the front of my hiking bag.
Nature hiking is rarely getting up in the morning and deciding you want to go on the trail that day. You can do that. But, there's a good chance you'll leave something behind. And, you may encounter something unexpected on the trail. You should prepare the day before.
Whenever you arrive at a new place, you'll often find shelves of tourist guides. I usually ignore them because we have this wonderful invention called the internet. But, after a 15-hour trip, I was just happy to have finally reach Kauai, Hawaii.