Katherine Atkinson is a writer, teacher, television personality and publisher.
Katherine Atkinson The day Frances and I left for the big island, my mother came with my younger sister to the airport to say goodbye. We stood in the open air departure lounge, waiting and not saying much. The tinny arrival announcement was nearly drowned by the roar of the Dash 8.
On the night she met The Man Who Took Up All The Space the world had allocated him, she'd been pining for The Man Who Loved Her But Was Afraid. She'd gone to the fĂȘte to remind herself what it was to have a life that didn't depend on the whims of someone else.
It seems I always waiting for him-to come back from tent or a session or some lime down the coast. I make the bed every morning, smooth out the sheets and fold the corners under the mattress 'cause he like it so.
Episode two (2) of a six(6) part Poetry Live series of the National Arts Festival ARTReach.
Film & Television
Stir it Up is a Visitor Channel programme hosted by Katherine Atkinson that features favourite local recipes and chefs
The Knot is a magical realism short about manufactured love gone wrong.
Speaking Engagements & Interviews
Guests Drenia Frederick, CDF Director of Events and Production, and artiste Katherine Atkinson, speak on Art Reach's Voices of the Underground, a six-episode feature on female poets - part of the National Arts Festival.
Presentation at 1 hour 15 minutes
Voice Over work
In celebration of the Nobel Laureate Festival, the Saint Lucia National Trust under the auspices of the Nobel Laureate Committee presents the Walcott House Virtual Tour Part 1. The tour discusses the Walcott House Museum, its architecture and its role in the lives of Sir Derek, Roderick and Pamela Walcott.