Arpita Biswas

Product Specialist @ Scalefusion


I work with Scalefusion Enterprise Mobility Management Solution.

Scalefusion Blog | MDM, EMM, Product Updates ,Thought Leadership & SaaS
5 ways Scalefusion helps in remote learning and distance education

Remote learning was once considered the new-age alternative to conventional education. Fast forward to 2020, and we are in unpredictable times where remote learning has become a necessity. In fact, distance learning is a hot trend for technology in classrooms in 2020 .

[Infographic] Why Companies Need to Rethink Their Communication Strategy for Remote Teams

Today's business world is extremely overwhelmed with the constant introduction of new communication tools, channels, and platforms - each promising to heighten employee productivity and operational efficiency. The ultimate challenge lies with the companies who need to cherry-pick the right communication tools (ignoring the others) based on relevance, objectivity and desired business results.