Job Insecurity: Why It Matters and Is It All Inside Your Head?
How bad is job insecurity and does emotional and cognitive sides differ?
How bad is job insecurity and does emotional and cognitive sides differ?
Key Points: Applicant experience seems to be linked to how applicants perceive the organization or whether they finish their application or not. Applicant experience's correlation with perception and behavior do not seem to vary based on gender and sex. There are no differences between males and females and various age groups.
A description of the data analysis project I conducted that ran both descriptive and predictive models.
Turnover Intervention Design (Domain Ip led Approach), Onboarding Process Design, Tech Recruitment Challenges and Solutions
A Description of Rapid Evidence Assessmentthat I conducted on employee performance.
A Description of the Processess used in the training intervention design proposal for a mailing company.
A description of the change managemen plan designed based on eucledian change theory and Kotter Model.
Description of the Performance Appraisal Proposal that I worked on it's design and planning
A description of the PA system proposal I worked on for University of Valencia's Career Platform, OPAL.
A Description of how a selection process was designed and implemented for the role, store specialist as a Master's project.