Alice Li

United States

👩🏻‍💻 Staff Engineer at Squarespace
✨ Previously at Litmus, Shutterstock, Oracle, Epsilon

She/They #EmailGeek

Dark Mode Email: Your Ultimate How-to Guide - Litmus

Dark Mode. The tech industry is buzzing with these two words, and email marketing is no exception. In 2018, Apple added Dark Mode to its desktop email client. The following year, Dark Mode came to iOS Mail. And other industry heavyweights, including Gmail, announced support for Dark Mode. There's no denying it...

The Ultimate Guide to Bulleted Lists in HTML Email - Litmus

Bulleted lists can be incredibly useful for content hierarchy. They allow subscribers to quickly and easily read key points in your email and can set important information apart from the rest of your content. Like so often in email development, something that sounds so simple-adding a bulleted list can't be rocket science, can it?-turns out to be trickier than you might think.

Interactive Hotspots in Email: A Step-by-Step Guide - Litmus

Interactivity continues to be one of the hottest trends in email design-and interactive hotspots are one of the most popular interactive elements in a marketer's toolkit. Hotspots let your subscribers uncover additional information when they hover or click on an item in your email-and allow marketers to provide an additional layer of detail to your emails without making your email design feel too crowded.

Faux Video: A Fallback for Video in Email - Litmus

There's absolutely no denying the power of video marketing. Video content has the power to tell stories more quickly than static images ever could. It's more emotional. It lets you communicate within seconds what would have taken paragraphs to describe in writing.

Why Emails Are Like Stairs-and How to Take the Next Step - Litmus

Creating an email program is a lot like adding a set of stairs to a building. Stairs are standard for multi-level buildings-much like an email program is standard for a marketing campaign. But while stairs work, you might have to go a step further.