Alex Elaine Hurtado

Experienced Writer & Social Media Manager open to new opportunities

United States

Looking for someone who's a "Jill of all trades" when it comes to marketing and communications? Look no further! I spent the first part of my professional life diving headfirst into social media marketing, communications, PR, and writing, working in industries ranging from tourism to non-profits and everything in between.

In early 2022, I decided to take the leap and focus solely on freelance writing. I've enjoyed working with an incredibly diverse range of industries, from education and real estate to health care and government. Whether it's a snappy headline, a fun listicle, or a detailed feature, I love writing about anything and everything.

Personally, I'm passionate about sustainability, women's rights, education, and the outdoors (think hiking and camping!). And who doesn't love food? But my skills don't stop at writing - I also have experience in editing, journalism, photography, and event coordination. Plus, I've even dipped my toes into HR.

If you're looking for someone who's versatile, creative, and always up for a new challenge, let's connect!

How to choose the right school for your special needs child

Reviewed by: Special Education Teachers, Parents, & Advocates Highlights Every child has the right to a free public education. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires public school districts to provide students with special needs a free appropriate education (FAPE).

Social Media's Impact on Your Child's Mental Health

Over the past several years there has been a rapid increase in children's screen time. In fact, a recent report found that tweens (kids ages 8-12) spend on average over five hours a day in front of a screen, while teens (kids ages 13-18) spend over eight hours a day.

A neurodiverse family's guide to choosing the right health insurance

Reviewed by: Max Meyerhoff Highlights Before you even start looking at plans, it's important for you to think about what your family needs the most like therapies, medications, and other services. Generally, if you and your family have recurring high medical expenses, it is a good idea to pay a higher premium for a lower deductible so that your healthcare insurance plan starts covering more services sooner.

Chaminade University of Honolulu
If Teaching is Your Passion, Save Time and Money with Our New 4+1 Program

Over the past decade there has been a consistent increase in the number of students enrolling in graduate programs. For some it is a requirement in their job field. For others, it is the desire to earn more money, those with master's degrees earn on average 23 percent more than those with bachelor's degrees.