Aisha Beau Johnson

Self-Care Writer

United States

Aisha Beau is an NYC-based self-care writer, blogger and speaker, specializing in beauty, wellness, travel and mental health. After being stopped on numerous occasions by fellow women of color inquiring about her makeup and skincare routine, Aisha decided it was time to create her own platform. What originated as a beauty blog slowly manifested itself into one that covers self-care as a whole. As a digital destination for women of color,, highlights the importance of internal and external well being.

She has spoken at numerous empowerment events as either a panelist or featured speaker. Her writing has been featured in Fast Company, SUCCESS, the Shine Text App, Zora, Forge, Elemental and more. In 2020, Aisha will release her debut book, Indulge Your Curiosities. Aisha has also been featured for her expertise on, Refinery29, MadameNoire, and more.

Contact me: [email protected]

How to Spot-and Deal With-a One-Sided Relationship

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone-say a friend, partner or family member-and felt as though you were putting in all of the effort? You know, the one who constantly initiates text messages, calls, or plans to see one another?

How to Cope With Someone Who's Emotionally Unavailable

Raise your hand if you've ever been the victim of "ghosting." Or spent a lot of time with someone who in the end said this "just wasn't what they were looking for." Or have a friend, family member, or significant other who is often cold, distant, and unwilling to open up.

Fast Company
These are the 7 most common types of fear

After surveying over 4,000 adults, Soukup and a team of researchers and psychologists found that the type of fear that holds us back in life manifests itself in seven different ways. It's what she refers to as the "fear archetypes."

Elemental - Medium
Dancing May Be the Best Form of Exercise

In the endless search for a low-effort, high-results workout, it comes pretty close T he trouble with exercise is that it's easy to avoid. Only 23% of American adults meet the federal recommendations for two hours and 30 minutes of weekly aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises. The reasons are plentiful, mostly involving motivation and time.

Zora Mag - Medium
Bebe Moore Campbell Was the Champion for Mental Health We Need Right Now

In a month dedicated to minority awareness, let's honor her memory I' ll admit, while doing a bit of research on the origins of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, I was more than a little ashamed to learn that it is in fact entitled Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.

Forge - Medium
The Worst Advice I Ever Received Was "Follow Your Passion"

It isn't just ineffective advice; it can actually be harmful My first steps into the working world were guided by the advice that had dogged me since my college graduation: To be happy, I was told, I needed to follow my passion.

Shine's Guide to Minority Mental Health Month

Talking about your mental health with your boss ●︎ Building a mental health community There's a wide range of mental health conditions, and pinpointing whether or not you're experiencing one or more can be tough-especially since it's easy to fall down a WebMD rabbit hole.

How to Bounce Back From Burnout

News spread like wildfire a few weeks ago when the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that "burnout" is now considered an official "occupational phenomenon." Given the mental-and sometimes physical-toll burnout has taken on many people over the years, it's an acknowledgement that's overdue.

How to Keep 'Destination Addiction' From Stealing Your Joy

March 13, 2019 When the phrase "destination addiction" recently popped up on my timeline, I was intrigued. The term spoke perfectly to a feeling I've always had: That my happiness is somewhere in the future. I'd often think to myself: If I could just hit this milestone or get this amount of money or work out this much-then I'd be happy.

How to Stop Crowdsourcing Your Decisions and Give Yourself Permission

For most of us, we've had to ask for permission our entire lives. Beginning with our parents or caregivers, then our teachers and professors, and from there our superiors in the workplace. Asking for permission in our day-to-day seems to be the norm, but what happens when it begins to trickle into our personal lives and the decisions that affect our happiness?