Taylor Camille


United States

6 Bedtime Wind-Down Habits for Better Sleep

We often get caught up in the activity of our days and forget to signal to our mind and body that it's time to slow down. In partnership with Honey Nut Cheerios, we're sharing habits you can start that can help you catch more zzz's and support a healthy heart.

5 Ways to Spark Gratitude

The best way to brighten your day is to recognize and revere the things in life that bring you joy. That often means slowing down and taking a closer look at your surroundings and blessings. In partnership with heart-healthy Honey Nut Cheerios, we're sharing ways that you can cultivate thanks and share inspiration.

Real Simple
How to Find a Hobby You Love as an Adult

Regularly doing things you enjoy positively affects your overall well-being. Honey Nut Cheerios wants to help fuel your body with heart healthy oats, so you can pursue your passions and explore how to find a hobby you love even as an adult.

5 Things to Do Every Day to Support Your Heart Health

What heart healthy habits do you practice every day? In partnership with Honey Nut Cheerios, we're sharing activities you can do daily to support a healthy heart. Even if your daily routine changes frequently, finding just a few minutes a day to prioritize healthful activities can make all the difference to your heart health.

How Gratitude Can Help You Live a More Meaningful & Fulfilled Life

Reflecting on all that you have can help your heart feel full. And a heart full of thanks can help you feel less stressed, which will support your heart health journey. In partnership with Honey Nut Cheerios we're taking a look at how practicing gratitude can help you live your best life.