
Stolen Writer

Puerto Rico

| Aspiring Writer | Hopeless Romantic | ENG/SPA |

Pfp: rrrainelll (Insta)
Cover pic: g.a22pri (Insta)

Eden is not the Chaos - Stolen_Writer - SK8 the Infinity (Anime) [Archive of Our Own]

Eden was peace. It was still waters and quietness. The Snake was used to it. But what came after, he learned to appreciate. And soon enough, he grew attached. What appeared before him was one not unlike himself, but much more beautiful. A man, created from nature itself with the likeness and nurture of their god.

Ill-Starred - Stolen_Writer - Final Fantasy XIV [Archive of Our Own]

Thwarted by bad luck, they say. Frustrated by the stars, they claimed. And they were all right. In a lifetime, so far away, destined to yearn for each other, for an individual we don't even know, who we would never know. In another, so close that we destroy whatever small bud of hope was bound to form.

Transgressing Monotony - Stolen_Writer - Final Fantasy XIV [Archive of Our Own]

Cold, frosty night. Just like all the ones before it had been for a while. The remnants of the raindrops leaving a trail, notifying that it would indeed return tomorrow. Trickling with small drops here and there, just to make sure no one forgot the feeling, the night grew darker, the city quieter, lighter, illuminated by artificial light.

El Futuro Irreal - Stolen Writer - Wattpad

Esta es la historia de seres que, aunque parecidos a nosotros, no son para nada iguales. Lo que presenciamos es lo que pudo haber sido de ellos, los que ahora posiblemente están extintos o por extinguirse. Esos a los que hace mucho tiempo atrás les llegaron a llamar Brujas.

A Christmas Evening

As expected of winter, today was covered in a cold and merciless weather. People went by in and out of buildings and there he stood to reminisce on the past. It wasn’t like him, he always lived in the today and ignored his own story, paying close attention to the words others said. He looked towards the falling snow, today he was just too hungry to ignore the sadness swelling up from all the years of roaming without really anything to look forward to.


It was one of those days. Days that made Kagami feel depressed for some reason. He had gained friendship, happiness, victory and many other things he couldn’t stop appreciating. So, now what? What was there to gain if he had already received what he wished for and also things that he didn’t expect at all? Was he going to lose them? Will the future not be as bright as he expected it to be?

Shadow of Flames

The one standing with the suit and armor was me. Maybe it was because Takao-kun joked around all the way through the test. Or probably because Aomine-kun wasn’t really motivated to do it at all. In the end, all of those behaviors came along and formed this result. This legendary mission was really assigned to me, Kuroko Tetsuya.