Rebecca Morice

Editorial Director, Something™

United Kingdom

Content expert with more than a decade’s experience working across brand and consumer projects in the lifestyle sector,
copywriting, commissioning and writing content strategy for social and digital campaigns.


Brand blogs and websites

World Class
Make It World Class

A website launched for World Class to educate and inspire consumers to care about what, where and how they drink.

Zacapa Rum
The Art of Slow

A commissioned series of long-form chef profiles aimed at establishing Zacapa Rum's The Art of Slow platform.

World Class
The World Class Club

A website for bartenders, focused on thought pieces from industry leaders on trends, tips and best practice behind the bar.

Social Media

Zacapa Rum

Global Instagram account for luxury rum Zacapa, sharing The Art of Slow with the world.

World Class Drinks

Global Instagram account for World Class drinks, sharing recipes, trends, tips and guides.

Ketel One Vodka

Global Instagram account for family made Dutch vodka Ketel One.

Writing samples

Time Out Travel
St Lucia: Island of Two Halves

The Caribbean is the poster girl of holiday destinations. It doesn't have to clumsily woo you – it just sits back and lets its dazzling natural beauty do the talking.

Time Out Travel
Brest: A Weekender's Guide

According to my tour guide, it never rains in Brittany - there are only tears of emotion. If that's the case, then the region was certainly upset about something on my visit, and while my Welsh hometown had been enjoying a rather sunny spell, a short hop over to the continent left me at the mercy of Brest's tempestuous feelings.

Time Out London
Passing ships in the night

Tower Bridge is a sight to behold. It's even better viewed from the river and after dark. Rebecca Morice navigates the muddy waters of the Thames by kayak.

Thought pieces

How NOT to write the perfect blog post

From templates and perfect word counts to just the right number of images to engage your readers, there's plenty of advice on writing a blog. Here's why you should ignore it all.

Why sub-editing is essential for brands

To many, editing is seen as a needless luxury, or an easily cut resource. Here's why it's still relevant, and why sub-editors are so much more than just proofreaders.