Marlow Gish

Founder & Chairman - Professional Analytical Services Corp

United States

Marlow Gish is a successful businessman currently standing as Founder & Chairman of Professional Analytical Services Corp. Throughout his career he has dedicated time to social and environmental issues including housing, healthcare, education, and sustainability.

Marlow Gish
These 5 countries are leaders in clean energy

It's no secret that Marlow Gish is a fierce proponent of innovation. In fact, he has built a career on his commitment to tapping into cutting edge technologies and approaches, as they develop. So it comes as no surprise that Gish is also a strong supporter of sustainability through the development of renewable energy.

Marlow Gish
The Venture Philanthropic Approach

Gish's venture philanthropic approach combines research-based fundamental market analysis with rigorous evaluation of real estate property-specific variables and equity forecasts to enable him to select assets that meet stringent Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria and enhanced risk adjusted returns. Gish's asset classes can be bifurcated into 1) Real Estate Contributions, and 2) Equity Contributions....

Marlow Gish
Professional Analytical Services Corp

PROFESSIONAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES CORP FOUNDER As Founder and Chairman of Professional Analytical Services Corp, Gish operates a consulting and private equity firm that specializes in restructuring transactions to engineer innovative solutions to challenging equity and debt structures. His projects generally emphasize processes where a unique technical aspect, proprietary knowledge, and highly specialized analysis are involved....

Marlow Gish
Marlow Gish

Marlow Gish: Business Leader and Consultant As a creative business leader and influential advocate, Marlow Gish deeply values lifting his community. Through his involvement with various organizations, Gish has earned a reputation as a compassionate organizer. Gish's efforts are motivated by his lifelong passion for navigating complex problems in the spirit of the Jewish tradition...

Marlow Gish

Marlow Gish is a business leader and consultant. He presently stands as Founder & Chairman of Professional Analytical Services Corp, a powerhouse in providing clients with strong and strategic due diligence, financial analysis and performance improvement services.

Certified Consumer Reviews
Marlow Gish

From day one, Marlow Gish has favored innovative business solutions. Still, he has never been the type to take a risk without doing his due diligence first. An expert in analysis and strategic planning, Gish never launches a project or startup concept without going over the numbers.

Marlow Gish

Business Leader, Marlow Gish is a consultant committed to innovation through analysis. By working through the analytics with his clients, Gish and his team at Professional Analytical Service Corp assist ventures and their leaders in the strategic process of achieving long term performance improvement. And it all starts with careful and calculated portfolio analysis...


Professional Analytical Services Corp. Your Financial Analytical Provider

Diverse Analytics

PREDICTIVE SALES ANALYTICS Sales revenue is critical for every business. As such, accurate sales projection has essential strategic and technical implications for the organization. A predictive sales analytics involves coming up with an informed sales forecast. There are many approaches to predicting sales, such as the use of correlation analysis or use of past trends to forecast your sales.