Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer

Author & Spiritual Director

United States

Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer is a published author and writer of theology and faith based books. Having maintained a career in the church for most of her life, Fanelli-Greer considers religion to be a focal point of her life, both personally and professionally.

Lisa Jo Fanelli Greer
Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer Published Works

Author Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer is best known for her spiritual formation centric books, including The Preparation Realm of Heaven and The Bride Awake. Author of Theology Texts Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer has authored two books and contributed to another published work as a co-author. Both of Fanelli-Greer's individually authored books are published by Xulon Press and...

Lisa Jo Fanelli Greer
Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer Theology Studies

Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer is an accomplished academic who has earned numerous degrees and accolades in Theology Studies. In Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer's life, theology is more than the center; it is the source of life. As a Christian on a lifelong walk of faith with Jesus Christ, Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer considers herself to be a permanent...

Lisa Jo Fanelli Greer
Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer

LISA JO FANELLI-GREER Spiritual Director and Author Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer is a Spiritual Director and Author of Theology texts that center around Spiritual Formation. Backed by an extensive career in the church, religion is a focal-point in Fanelli-Greer's life. What is Spiritual Formation? Throughout her journey in life, Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer has maintained a steadfast...

Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer
Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer on Strikingly

Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer has authored two titles from Xulon Press: The Preparation Realm of Heaven and The Bride Awake: Igniting the Power of Holy Desire. Both texts discuss spirituality and religion in ways that can be applied to everyday life, with specific attention paid to a woman's perspective in connecting with Christ.

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Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer

Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer is currently seeking professional opportunities within Theology. She is experienced in Spiritual Formation, Church History and Ministry Professorship. Lisa Jo is presently pursuing further education in Theology, including a Master of Theology (Th.M) degree from Columbia Theological Seminary. At the baseline, Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer's education in Theology began early on in her life.

Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer

Throughout her career in the church, Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer has maintained numerous roles. From ministry professor and spiritual director to volunteer, Fanelli-Greer has taken up responsibilities in some capacity at each church she's attended. Her passion for faith carries into all corners of her life, extending into her published works.

Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer

Lisa Jo Fanelli-Greer is an author of theology centric books that focus on spiritual formation. Fanelli-Greer is currently in the process of completing her MDiv (Master of Divinity) with the Evangelical Seminary.