Laura Wallis

Freelance health and inequalities journalist

United Kingdom

I'm a UK-based freelance writer, women's health advocate and mum. I write on a range of women's health topics, as well as on topics around diversity and inclusion.

The Unwritten
Endometriosis Care Needs More than Conversations - The Unwritten

Recently there has been a lot of "noise" around endometriosis. As a disease that is thought to affect 1 in 10 people assigned female at birth, this should be fairly common. It's a painful, debilitating disease, which can impact the lives of those affected from puberty through their lifespan so you might expect a lot [...]

The Unwritten
ADHD is not my superpower - The Unwritten

I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2018. I was pretty sure I had it long before seeking a diagnosis and yet, it took me over a year to even decide to seek a referral for assessment. The reason for this, I now realise, was internalised ableism-I was worried what people might think of me (that [...]