Christy Ku

Writer, poet, performer, photographer, workshop facilitator.

United Kingdom

Specialises in: anti-racism, mental health, equality, beauty, self-improvement, books and internet culture.

Christy has worked with institutions such as the BBC, Sky Arts, Museum of London, Apples & Snakes, Rich Mix, Museum of Home, Penguin Books and the Barbican. Past commissions include poetry films, spoken word tracks, visual art and theatre shows. Christy is a BBC Words First 2019 finalist.

She is an alumn of the National Youth Theatre, Barbican Young Poets, New Earth Actors Academy and Making LEMONADE young creative leadership programme. Christy is the founder of BESEA Poets, a collective for British based East and South-East Asian poets.

Christy was formerly the lead interviewer and features writer at TenEighty Magazine, a publication on YouTube and internet culture.

She is now a multidisciplinary freelance creative.

Tilted Axis Press
Resources for the journey against Anti-Asian racism - Tilted Axis Press

Anti-Asian racism is not new, and it is more than a US problem. It has always existed across the world, including the UK. However, the pandemic has created a colossal rise in racism against Asians across the world. A list of resources by Christy Ku for those combatting Anti-Asian racism.

Cultural Learning Alliance
Build Back Better - What's Your Pledge?

The roundtables encouraged them to think more deeply about privilege and inclusivity, about the power each of us have and steps we can take to build an arts sector with inclusivity and social justice at the core.

I Love You - P.S. I'm Internet Famous

We've seen the rise and fall of YouTube couples. We've watched how audiences respond to each new development. How do YouTubers navigate being in the public eye while having a healthy, stable relationship with their loved one and their audience? TenEighty speaks to Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, Melanie Murphy, Thomas Ridgewell, Jake Edwards and Chloe Rose.

Jade Bowler: Taking on Imposter Syndrome

Welcome to the new genre of YouTube: StudyTube. In this corner of the internet, students document their education experience through school to university, share revision tips, create exam survival guides and offer advice for fellow students. Jade Bowler started her channel in February 2017, despite being uninterested in mainstream YouTube culture.

Rose and Rosie: Open, Loud, and Proud

It was 2011, and Rose Ellen Dix was studying Film and Screen Media at university. As part of her course, one of the modules challenged students to see if they could make a video go viral.

Scola Dondo: Feeling Like a Superhero

Scola began her channel when she was very young. After seeing her older sister watch YouTube videos she fell in love with it, and begun making videos on her camera phone.

Get an Ethical Glow with This Summer's Top 5 Beauty Products

Hop in the shower, hop out again. Cleanse, tone, moisturize. Grab your makeup kit, put your war paint on. But wait. Have you stopped to think about what you're actually using putting on your face and body? What do these lotions and potions contain? How were these products made and what's their long-term impact?